Well here we are in very unusual and historic times as a planet and a human race.Our lives have been brought to a screaming halt and no one is feeling that comfortable with these new circumstances, let alone the often confronting action of self isolation.My partner Peter & myself arrived home … [Read more...]
Min Speaks on Healing Anxiety
Omaat, omaat, omaat. We love you. We love you dearly, truly, eternally and we do not like to see you suffering for no reason because brothers and sisters there is no reason to suffer. Your suffering comes from belief systems that were never true and if you believe a … [Read more...]
Master Min Speaks on Betrayal
There is an enormous intensity upon your planet at this time and many of you are experiencing rather dramatic episodes of both a physical and emotional nature.We watch over you and witness you with immense love and empathy, for if you could see the world from our view point,you would understand what … [Read more...]
Diamond Light Relationships
The Power Of Your Relationship Numbers I have to say that ever relationship in life is an invitation for self healing and there are no accidents as to who we attract into our life.Diamond Light Numerology can explain a lot about the dynamics of our relationships and give a depth of understanding … [Read more...]
Min Speaks on Depression
'Omaat dear ones...Many understandings now need to be grasped and the most important one is that you become empowered with the truth that you each co-create everything in your experience and depression my friends is co-created by your fearful mind in combination with your denied emotional … [Read more...]
The 12 Principles of Being
There is an intensity in the air as we begin 2019 and if you are feeling lost,confused or in the dark you are actually in a very good place.Why? Because it is an opportunity to begin from a blank slate and follow your heart and soul and set out on a path of your choosing. The following Principles … [Read more...]
We Don’t Need a Map
Who Am I? This is a Universal question of truly multi-faceted proportions and has haunted us for eons,incessantly driving us to search for the meaning of our existence! Is this why we have a need to believe we have a special purpose and path in this lifetime? And does this create doubt,fear … [Read more...]
It’s Time To Remember
The following teaching transmission is by my guide MIN and is an excerpt from my latest book INVISIBLE GRACE,which is available in the Shop. Min speaks on Humanity and Mother Natures role in our lives...very interesting! MIN SPEAKS.... “You are coming into extremely tense times … [Read more...]
The Truth about Soul Mates
The Truth About Soul Mates “Every relationship is designed for the healing of the self.” Min As a spiritual counsellor and clairvoyant for nearly 30 years I questioned the real reasons why people suffered so much and how I could alleviate what appeared to be their endless pain. With this … [Read more...]
Understanding the Crossroads of your Soul
Almost everyone I speak to lately seems to be at a cross roads in their life and in fact I would call it a 'Collective Phenomenon' of doubt and uncertainty being experienced by most in some form or other. Its as if there is an invisible force at work,driving everyone to question what they are … [Read more...]
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