Almost everyone I speak to lately seems to be at a cross roads in their life and in fact I would call it a ‘Collective Phenomenon’ of doubt and uncertainty being experienced by most in some form or other.
Its as if there is an invisible force at work,driving everyone to question what they are doing with their lives and whether what they are doing is an important part for their optimal path of happiness and harmony. The dissatisfaction,frustration and feelings that there must be something better out there is driving many to distraction.So what is really going on? And why does wishing to seek something better in life often become an experience of feeling something worse?
There is only one place that these questions can get a truthful answer and that is from the Soul!
I have the honour of guiding people from all over the world and assisting them on their life path journey by communicating directly with their Soul and the one common denominator with everyone,no matter what their culture,beliefs or life experiences, is that they all want to feel peace and make a difference in this world.But more often than not they believe that the ‘inner peace’ will come only once the ‘outer doing’ path is achieved and unfortunately this is not the case.
How do I know this? From personal experience of course.Trying to heal,help and inspire everyone else for more than 2 decades before giving myself the same help and consideration gave me the valuable experience of emotional and mental burnout!
We have been given this ego idea that we have to work hard to get any satisfaction or success from what we do and that nothing comes easy in this life without effort. And yes this is usually true within the material world because this is how it has been set up.However, achieving true peace of heart and mind is accomplished by doing the total opposite.
When we can STOP the questions and the search for happiness and peace,and I mean truly STOP, then peace and happiness naturally appear in our direct experience. And from the consciousness of inner peace our next and natural Soul Step will appear,usually in a most unexpected way.And you will always know when your Soul is at work,because whatever inspiration,person,place or thing comes your way will bring a deep feeling of excitement in that moment,and then your only job is to follow that excitement with a sense of absolute trust.
So this ‘Collective Phenomenon’ of not being able to see the woods for the trees has actually been created by our own Souls who wish to see us release ourselves from our own self inflicted human persecution,which has been creating turmoil,tears and even terror in so many peoples lives for too long.
This Crossroads is in fact our Souls holding us hostage until finally through either our exhaustion or enlightenment we surrender to being supported by that divinely loving and intelligent aspect of ourselves.
So what do you choose? Persecution or Peace?
And who do you choose? The erratic ego mind or your loving Soul?
In Loving Service
Jennifer Starlight
Jennifer is available for soul readings via Skype worldwide or in person on the Gold Coast. Please email [email protected] for more information.
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