Omaat, omaat, omaat. We love you. We love you dearly, truly, eternally and we do not like to see you suffering for no reason because brothers and sisters there is no reason to suffer. Your suffering comes from belief systems that were never true and if you believe a thought or a belief system to be true well then it becomes so because you are the creators of everything… there is nothing outside of you that creates anything, you create it all. Now we wish to speak to you about this energy you call anxiety and this energy you call depression because you cannot possibly transform it unless you have understanding about it. But there is so much fear and untrue belief systems around these energies that it is now being created in epidemic proportions. Now we want to ask you a question and we want you to be honest… Have any of you ever been angry? Everybody put your hands up because you are lying if you say you have not. Do you understand there are two types of anger and the minds are going “why is he talking about anger when we are here for anxiety and depression?” we will tell you in a moment. There are two types of anger, there is positive anger and there is destructive anger… the positive anger is when you have an attack of anger and actually use it in a positive way to create something different in your life and there can be a wonderful catalyst to make changes that you normally would not have made. Destructive anger is when you are blaming somebody else for your anger and this is at epidemic proportions within your society… everybody is blaming everybody else and everybody is going blowing up everybody else… you call it war… we call it destructive anger.
Anger is a neutral thing until you put a perception upon it. Now this is where anxiety comes into the picture. Anger is the outward expression of destructive anxiety… anxiety is the outward expression called anger… you understand what we are saying? If you are angry you are anxious… if you are anxious you are in fear… now fear is at the base of all of this you see what we are saying? But there are different processes, so anxiety as you call it becomes destructive when it is internalised anger… you are angry but you do not believe you have the rightto act upon it in a creative way so it becomes destructive internally, you see what we are saying? It becomes anxiety because here is the thing you believe you are a victim… now the victim archetype upon this planet is enormous… can you really feel that? You hear it in your daily news … the victim of the crime was… the perpetrator was… he was a victim… she was a victim… everyone is a victim. So we wish to clarify this. Anger is externalised anxiety and anxiety is internalised anger and the two start to build a loop. Anxiety is one thing depression is something else… depression is when you can’t even cope with the anxiety… you go “what is the use, what is the point?” you see what we are saying? And again, depression and victimhood go hand in hand.
Now you are not going to like what we are about to say but we’re not here to be loved we are here to help you… so… the greatest badge of honour a victim can have is depression. Now you victims here and we love you, who are experiencing depression we hope you are feeling anger at this because anger is what is going to move the depression… depression is beyond anger and beyond anxiety it is a hopelessness and a helplessness that you are such a victim that you are completely powerless, you understand what we are saying here? Because as we say this this is going to be shaking your cells and this is going to be rocking your belief systems but you need to understand that you were the powerful beings who created this in the first place so we want you to get angry because either way you are going to be moving the depression and you are going to be moving the anxiety if you have understanding around it otherwise you are going to be in a consistent loop between anxiety, anger and depression can you understand what we are saying? Have each of you at some level whether it be very basic level or very deep level realised you have a combination of the three… we will call them the three amigos- anger, anxiety and depression all work together and they hold each other in place. So if you are in the pits of depression how you come up out of that is through anxiousness and then anger and then understanding and love because this all started with anger which is based on fear which then creates anxiety and then creates complete hopelessness and depression which then holds you as a victim. Also because many of you we can hear you thinking “but why did I get anger, anxiety and depression and how do I get out of it?” because this is the questions the mind will ask you and then the mind will usually come back “well there’s no way out of this”… it’s through your family and you look at your outside world and nothing is changing, you can’t fix it, you look at the news, you get more depressed and more anxious and who wouldn’t?
And we promise you, any of you who are relying on their outside world to bring them happiness, we promise you you’ll end up with anxiety, it is that simple… go looking out there for the perfect lover, the perfect job, the perfect amount of money… you will become anxious instantaneously, without question you will become anxious because nothing outside of you is true and yes this might be shocking to some of you but we promise you, you do not have time anymore to have the luxury of transforming yourself at your own pace.
If you are on this planet now the vibrations that are being created upon this planet and within you are so potent you have to be in the right intention and on the right side of them let us say so what we are about to say can apply to depression, anxiety, anger or any other experience you are having. “Why Min am I depressed, anxious and angry. Why Min is it hopeless and helpless out there, why Min can I not find the energy to transform myself, what is the point?” The reason why brothers and sisters you are experiencing these deep emotions is because you chose too, there is no other reason because if you move past victim it must mean that you are going to take full responsibility for everything in your creation “so why is it so that I am the way I am”… you asked for it, you wanted it… “how do I transform it?” by taking full responsibility for everything you are feeling because the moment you take full responsibility you are no longer a victim and when you take full responsibility for everything you are feeling you are no longer a victim and you cannot wear that badge of honour called depression. then the anxiety starts to dissipate because what is the main problem with anxiety and depression… you can’t control it is that not correct, is this not what creates more of it because you believe you have no power over it, no control over it?. The reason you have no control or power over anxiety and depression is because it has been created from a belief system of victimhood that you have no power or control over your life that is why these energies that are produced from the belief system that you have no control over your life then control you can you see how it works, can you see how you get gridlocked in this? Now from the moment you are born before you were born victimhood has been upon this planet since you created religion, we are sorry to say that but that is the bottom line. When you believe there was a power greater than you outside of yourself you automatically became victims to that so called power which by the way does not exist. God does not exist as you believe you know God. Oh, but you say I thought God was going to save me so I just had to sit here and pray, and everything would be hunky dory. Has that worked for any of you? When you pray, because understand prayer is a sacred activity between you and your divine self. When you pray, we want you to pray to yourselves, that light, that love, that purity inside of you. Pray your hearts out for yourselves, bring some sacredness back into your living because this is the way that you will not be controlling yourselves by prayer to yourself but you will begin to love and honour yourselves that is all that is required to transform this anxiety and this fear. You have not been taught how to emotionally survive that is why there is epidemics of depression, of suicide, of anxiety and even violence comes from that anxiety.
You are extraordinary beings so stop beating yourselves up… stop the search everything is here always has been. It is our honour, our absolute eternal honour to be in the presence of each and every heart.
Love & Omaat Min ©
Channelled by Jennifer Starlight
cmatheou62 says
Thank you so much. As usual something that you need at the best possible time. 🙏🙏
Peter Harris says
Thanks Christine.