‘Omaat dear ones…Many understandings now need to be grasped and the most important one is that you become empowered with the truth that you each co-create everything in your experience and depression my friends is co-created by your fearful mind in combination with your denied emotional body.
Every Soul that enters your life is in fact there to serve a higher purpose and that purpose is to assist you to become aware of where or how you may be abusing or abandoning yourself. Always remember, like attracts like, so you cannot have an experience you are not the vibration of.
So dear ones, if others have filled your experience with abuse and abandonment, then that must be what is exuding from your auric field. Love and affection for the self are the keys that will unlock you from the world of depression and anxiety. And how do you do that? By feeling your desire for it, by feeling what is stopping you from living your life fully, for under depression is trapped rage and rage is in fact unexpressed love. And know that unexpressed love stops the vibration of life force through the different aspects of our body! So you need to ask yourself..Why have I chosen to experience Depression and Anxiety? Take full responsibility for the state of your being and this will be the first powerful step to recovery.
Call out to your Spirit and surrender to the love of your Soul for these divine aspects will bring you exactly what you need the exact moment you need them. And your attachments to your human stories, past or present, in truth you are still attached too and this is what creates the pain. Thank your pain and be grateful for it, for it is alarming you to where you have become disconnected from the love and the peace that is YOU throughout infinite eternity.
Rest in the knowledge that this depression is like a passing storm that needs to first express itself through a rain of unexpressed sorrow before it can dissipate. And like the cloud of depression that may darken your days, is it not a fact that the Sun is still shining even though you cannot see it? Just as it’s a fact that your heart is still beaming its light of love, even if you can’t feel it right now.
Be grateful for every experience and know you are loved beyond any human capacity and that you are the most powerful being you are ever going to have the honour to exist with.’
Love & Omaat Min
© Channelled by Jennifer Starlight
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