The Truth About Soul Mates
“Every relationship is designed for the healing of the self.” Min
As a spiritual counsellor and clairvoyant for nearly 30 years I questioned the real reasons why people suffered so much and how I could alleviate what appeared to be their endless pain. With this intention I was fortunate to be guided into an expansive meditative state and shown how every soul pre-destined their individual life path to be in co-creation with other members of their soul group. And together they create life-changing events on earth to assist each individual soul to release itself from its human entanglements of self-inflicted judgements and repressed and denied emotions.
Through my own experience I am convinced that soul mates are the ones who appear to give you the hardest time! They are the ones who love you so much that while on this earthly plane they will sacrifice your opinion of them to be of service to you! Soul mates reflect back to you your own inner patterns and behaviours so you can uncover where you have become a victim of your own judgements, which then create your earthly suffering because of lack of self-love.
Understanding this is the most powerful healing tool we have, and to become the observer in our lives and know we have created and co-created all our experiences, not only empowers us but also sets us free!
Our society has been programmed to believe that being ‘responsible’ is a burden, but responsibility is the act of responding to our abilities as an intelligent soul. And every soul (including yours) has the powerful ability to love fully without attachment or judgement.
I have come to understand the power and purpose of our emotional patterns and how, as invisible forces, they are actually running our lives and holding us to ransom, with the same emotional patterns being carried from one generation to the next!
So when you can transform your own painful patterns you are not only assisting yourself but also the pure potential for emotional evolution of future generations to come.
However, to accomplish true transformation we need to be fully aware and take responsibility for what we have created, whether it be a disease or dysfunctional relationship. The ‘blame game’ scenario is generated by the victim archetype and now needs to leave the shores of our consciousness if we are to survive and become a healthy and empowered human race.
I found the gifts within my own failed marriage when I realised that out of deep love for one another my ex husband was simply reflecting back to me how I had abandoned and victimised myself through my own heavy self-judgements and lack of self-love.
So when you are grateful for every dysfunctional relationship in your life and see the potential gift of authentic self-awareness and liberation from your pain, you are truly on a path of evolution and will discover your most treasured and timeless soul mate – Yourself!
Of course some would argue with me and say, “What about our free will? Can’t we do what we want? And why is there so much suffering in the world?”
I still respond with the same explanation. We each have two distinctly different types of will. There is the human will, which is sourced from the varying beliefs, programmes and fears contained in the mind, and there is the divine will, the source of which is the universal intelligence of divine love that is contained within the heart and the soul of every human being.
So a life path is pre-ordained by your soul’s divine will with one intention only, and that is for the expression and expansion of self love; however, while in this human condition you have a choice in every experience as to whether you are going to take the high road and listen to the guidance of your soul (your intuition) or whether you are going to choose the low road and experience life from the often unconscious fear-based perception of the human will.
This world is filled with spiritual misunderstandings and through this lack of understanding society creates a scenario of scepticism, leaving us to believe that we are continually victims of circumstance. Whether cynic or seeker, we all want the same thing, and that is – love.
I believe we have only ever made one real mistake and that is we have unfortunately believed people outside ourselves who claim to be more in a position of authority than we are when it comes to both our personal and collective truth. So instead of following our own authority and feeling what is right for us as individuals, we have allowed the fear and internal pressure of the ego-mind to hold sway and succumbed to the external pressure of a society based on the illusion of appearances, personalities, and a whole lot of false information.
It is imperative to our long term wellbeing that we find the gift of self-realisation in every situation, no matter how tragic or painful the experience and understanding you have created pain to release your pain shall assist you to heal with much more ease and grace.
Often when we have emotions that are uncomfortable and unfamiliar we wish to try and analyse them before feeling safe enough to surrender to their full expression, and unfortunately this is the worst thing we can do to ourselves. Because the moment we try to make sense of them through the mental filters of logic and fear, we have actually done a good job of suppressing and rejecting them even further.
When we trust enough to feel our emotions spontaneously and without judgement, we then can get the direct clarity and guidance for our life that was so unobtainable before their release.
In Loving Service
This is an excerpt from Jennifer Starlight’s 5 star rated book -Invisible Grace- and it may be purchased at
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