There is an enormous intensity upon your planet at this time and many of you are experiencing rather dramatic episodes of both a physical and emotional nature.We watch over you and witness you with immense love and empathy, for if you could see the world from our view point,you would understand what is really occurring. And what is really occurring is a depth of transformation in each of you that has not been seen before in your known history. Understand dear ones that your mind is the creator of your physicality and your soul the creator of your conscious awareness and a battle of wills can take place between the two and if not recognised and acknowledged will create a sabotaging effect within your life and any of the transformational and awakening experiences that your soul wishes you to have.
In a nutshell you are now each releasing the Energetic Pattern of Betrayal and even though you can each claim and recall the experiences of betrayal by others what needs to be understood here is that ultimately you betray yourselves by not displaying and feeling love, honor and affection for yourselves and this is where all the blocks and emotional pain begin. So please stop judging yourselves and trying to improve yourselves, for the moment you accept all of yourself without judgement, this is when the real healing on all levels begins. You need to understand that all your pain and suffering originates and ends in the Heart Chakra. For when there is a lack of love for self it is also a form of self abuse,self abandonment and self denial of the True You. And the True You is uniquely perfect and all we can see in this aspect of each of you is your miraculous majesty. So allow this majesty to rise up and all else in your world will come into alignment with this. Your natural state of being is unconditioned awareness,so please begin to understand also that all your conditioned and learnt thoughts and programming are keeping you from what you truly seek,which is your inner infinite light,free from guilt,judgement and fear.
‘Omaat’ is our sacred greeting to you and means that each of you is a Universal Blessing and God is not complete without you. So Omaat dear ones!- Min (Received by Jennifer Starlight)
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