Min Masterclass
Working with the Powers of the Divine in 2025
-Sunday 19th January 2025-
Master Min will be sharing with us ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW for the path ahead in 2025!
You will find out what’s in store on both a global and personal level plus also discover what is being activated within us and also in service to us on the galactic level of creation at this time.
So, don’t miss this unique opportunity to align, activate and prepare yourself for what many are referring to as the most monumental year we are entering in decades.
Here is some feedback from longtime followers of the Min Masterclasses.
‘Best transmission ever last week, have listened 10 times and still not got it all! Thanks to our host, the participants questions, and the myriad of beings’ Raewyn W. NZ
‘Incredible information…. life changing!’ Shelley S. Boonah
“It was amazing, so much gratitude xx’ Heidi S. Brisbane
‘This transmission was uplifting and heartfelt. The answers to our questions went above and beyond the original question and blew the lid off the biscuit jar to reveal opportunities and possibilities of the gems available within us all. Yes, Jennifer, so worth your 19 years of due diligence as a channel.’ Louise B. Sydney
This shall be a multi dimensional channeling event where we will be opening up the ‘Universal Switchboard’ to Master Healers & Specialists of all kinds to assist you in these evolutionary times.
As each of us have an invisible group of guides who watch over us, so Master Teacher & Guide Amun Min has his own collective group of Master Colleagues with whom he connects and communicates with, and will be live streaming through his physical vehicle Jennifer the information and answers that will be on offer from a kaleidoscope of various Spiritual Masters.
Min’s teachings & guidance are always very knowledgeable and this unique event will be taking the power & presence of Spirits grace & knowledge to a whole new multi dimensional level!
Jennifer Starlight has been channeling multi dimensional levels of divine intelligence, information & inspiration from beyond the stars since 1996, through the ancient collective consciousness the Union of Love & Light and for the first time will be opening her own channeling skills to several streams of consciousness in a single channeling session.
In the last 19 years, thousands of Souls have been guided, inspired, taught & healed by her amazing Master Teacher Amun-Min both here & overseas, with over 250 Public Transmissions taking place to date.
* This Live Online Transmission with Amun Min & Company will include the opportunity to ask your personal or global questions while also receiving everything you need to know on everything you need to know!
Time: 10am-11.30am (Brisbane Time)
*Once you purchase your ticket a ZOOM Link shall be emailed to you the day before with everything you need to know for the Live Transmission.
*For those who can’t attend a recording shall be available for $25*
Bookings can be made by clicking the link below to purchase your ticket via Paypal
Or Tickets are also available through internet banking-
Universal Blessing Group
BSB 032563
Acc no 371338
(please email Jennifer & Peter if making a bank deposit so we can email a link to you [email protected])
Thank-you so much for hosting such a transformational experience yesterday. This was my first time meeting you and Amun Min, and was the first time I'd seen a live channelling too. The energy was absolutely divine and expansive. I felt so attuned, and had physical healing experiences (my throat cleared up completely and my shoulder pain completely disappeared). Everything that came through resonated so strongly, it blew me away. I've left feeling light and motivated, clear and unburdened. I still feel so much love in my ribs. Thank-you times a million.
Kelly Palmer Tweet
Jennifer is an internationally renowned Trance Medium, Teacher & Author who has dedicated the last 30 years of her life to opening people to the love of the Spirit world and the power to manifest from the divine intelligence of their own Souls.
In Service to your Inner Light
We offer a wide range of Seminars and Training Days which are based on the empowering and transforming teachings of our Master Teachers and we invite you to consciously heal the fall from your own divine consciousness, which has created the very real experience of separation & suffering.
Through our varied Personal Sessions and Events, you shall discover the original causes of your issues, and come to understand why it is now so important to transform conditioned pain and heavy self judgements and become an updated and enlightened version of yourself.
We travel extensively throughout Australia, the U.K and Asia and are open to invitations to be of service and present life changing Events in your area.