When you know that you don't know, is when you will find out what you truly need to know! Sounds simple and also feels crazy perhaps? Leave the chaos and control of the mind for one minute and in that time use your imagination to feel what it is to be free of constraints and the constrictions … [Read more...]
The Power of Non Matter
We held our first Conscious Conversations Event on the Gold Coast yesterday and the information that came through our guest Spirit Guide Darion (also affectionally known as The Dark Spark) was both mind blowing and empowering. He spoke of the power of what he terms the Black Ray and that it needs … [Read more...]
Making Peace with our Parents
I have been in the 'healing industry' for nearly 30 years and my deepest desire has been to assist others to release their pain and depression! Little did I know that when I began this journey that the people I was helping were also helping me! And after a myriad of such sad stories over 3 decades I … [Read more...]
Crystal Visions – Sacred equation for transformation revealed
Crystal Visions ~ Working with these Ancient Ones in New and Amazing Ways! The following discourse by my guide Min encapsulates the powerful teachings he shared with us on Crystals and their real role in our lives,last Sunday (19th June) at a public Transmission on the Gold Coast. ‘Did … [Read more...]
Comparing vs Consciousness
The moment you begin to compare yourself to another you are in trouble! Why? Because comparison is a form of judgement and whether it be good or bad judgement is not the point. Judgement is an act of separation and the belief that we are separate is what creates our suffering. Comparing yourself to … [Read more...]
How to Connect to your own Invisible Grace.
I have been astonished at the testimonials I have received since the arrival of my 3rd book 'Invisible Grace' as people share how they have had not only deep and spontaneous healings, but also mini and major epiphanies as they read my story. My aim in writing this account of my own spiritual … [Read more...]
Invisible Grace to be Launched in the New Year!
Jennifer Starlight's autobiography Invisible Grace is to be launched in the New Year! In this her 3rd book,Jennifer speaks of her own trials and tribulations on her unexpected path to becoming not only a successful clairvoyant,but also an internationally recognised Trance Medium. Invisible … [Read more...]
Connecting to the Power of Your Soul Self
For many months now I have been hearing people say that they feel lost,frustrated and stuck on their path and that the direction they 'thought' they wanted to pursue has not manifested. There is a very good reason for this and I trust that even when the explanation I am about to give you may make … [Read more...]
Coming to Peace with the Emotional Body
If there is one thing that we have all grappled with at sometime in our lives,it would have to be with our emotional body.We have denied it, suppressed it, medicated it and judged it to be the enemy when those deep uncomfortable feelings come to the surface.However understanding the dynamics of our … [Read more...]
Surrendering To Life’s Potential
This is a message that was requested to be shared with you by The Invisible College Collective Consciousness: 'Greetings dear ones, and may we say what exquisite reflections of the Supreme you are.There is no way for us to express to you the enormity of your potential but we shall endeavour no … [Read more...]
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