Behind The Veil - Mediumship Workshop
Do you wish you could contact your loved ones in the Spirit world?
Do you yearn for their company and guidance?
Would you like to heal and transform your grief?
What if you could learn simple and effective ways to communicate with your loved ones behind the veil?
Jennifer Starlight has been both a Medium and Teacher for the world of Spirit for over 33 years and will show you how to easily make contact with your loved ones who have journeyed on through the invisible Veils.
This workshop is ideal for you if you are wanting to:
• Learn the different ways to make contact with loved ones
& the different ways your loved ones are trying to make contact with you
• Deepen your connection to the spirit realms
• Enhance & strengthen your intuitive gifts
• Build a heart to heart bridge with the ‘otherside’
• Heal your grief!
• Enhance & strengthen your intuitive gifts
• Build a heart to heart bridge with the ‘otherside’
• Heal your grief!
The day will include one to one exercises in psychic development and techniques and intentions for communication with loved ones in Spirit.
with Jennifer Starlight & guest medium, Patricia Laverty.
Will your loved one come through on the day and give you a message?
** No experience is required to join this in-person workshop, just an open heart and a deep desire to make contact.
(Please bring your own lunch or cafes are nearby.)
TICKETS ARE $97 and we are limiting it to 20 attendees to ensure you get intimate tuition. So join us for an amazing day of connection with Spirit and your loved ones!
Go to the pink link below to purchase your tickets OR secure your place by depositing funds to-
Universal Blessing Group
BSB; 032563 Acc no-371338
Tamborine Mountain
*Doors open 9.45am
To Be advised
What a wonderful, enlightening and fascinating day!
Loved the energy and integrity of your teachings Jennifer Starlight..
I am very grateful to you for holding space which allowed me to connect to my guide in such a powerful way!
I have attempted channeling a number of times and today in just half an hour I received so much.
The course was excellent and gently pushed me beyond my comfort zone!