If there is one thing that we have all grappled with at sometime in our lives,it would have to be with our emotional body.We have denied it, suppressed it, medicated it and judged it to be the enemy when those deep uncomfortable feelings come to the surface.However understanding the dynamics of our emotions can go a long way in assisting us to come to peace with them.
Even when we are sad or angry.
Did you know you have two distinct emotional responses? The programmed response and the spontaneous response.
The programmed emotional response is created from the beliefs and stories that we believe to be true. The belief that others can hurt us or set us free are two common programs that can create enormous suffering within the experience. The belief that we need to be more attractive,smarter or better at what we do can create anxiety and depression or that we must live in fear and apprehension will create panic!
So the programmed response means that a thought will instantaneously create an emotional response, which of course feels very real in the moment as it travels through our nervous system, creating either joy or fear. Take time to review your thoughts, be the observer of them and see how they either serve you or enslave you.Realise they are only real because you made them that way!
The spontaneous emotional response is like a flash of lightening that catches us unawares and without warning we find ourselves either in hysterical laughter or the deepest of grief. No thought has been present prior and we are surprised at the depth of the experience and the lack of control we have over it.This is what I call the healing of the heart,the release of the oldest wounds and the beliefs that have held them there.And I do believe these spontaneous emotional responses are orchestrated by the divine intelligence of our own Souls.
I also know that more spontaneous emotional occurrences are going to become more common as our emotional bodies are tired of being judged and controlled and are now demanding our recognition and understanding.
Our emotions are the sacred bridge between the mind and the body and carry energy and inspiration through our awareness. They are here to serve us and not hurt us and it is in fact only our belief systems around our emotions that have caused the greatest suffering.
So honour your emotions and let them be spontaneous like that of a young child and before you know it your vitality and enthusiasm for life will return, because you are living in the now and are no longer exhausted trying to control yourself.
In Loving Service
Jennifer Starlight
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