The moment you begin to compare yourself to another you are in trouble! Why? Because comparison is a form of judgement and whether it be good or bad judgement is not the point. Judgement is an act of separation and the belief that we are separate is what creates our suffering. Comparing yourself to another is also an act of sabotage,even if in the comparison you feel better or smarter than the other person,because then you are in competition with yourself,always trying to stay ahead of the pack and pushing yourself that extra mile to make sure you remain better than everyone else.But ultimately you are going to end up worse off because there is no self love or authentic self worth present within your awareness.
To love yourself unconditionally, can often fly in the face of what the modern world terms ‘personal development’, and this again is a form of comparison and competition to improve ourselves. But wouldn’t the greatest personal development be to simply learn to love yourself unconditionally?
Self inquiry is the true seekers path, not development through comparing yourself ‘now’ to ‘then’. For comparisons are instigated from the ego mind,where as self inquiry is instigated by your Soul and your Soul is the divine aspect of you that knows all is One in the field of consciousness we call God.And your Soul also knows that it is not about developing yourself into a better person, but actually learning to surrender to what has not been touched or harmed by the ego mind… and that is your Soul.
Everyone,no matter their belief systems or circumstances is feeling an invisible pressure to go inside themselves and get to the bottom of what is making them now feel eerily uncomfortable or unusual…and this is a good thing! Because as long as our focus is on our outside world we are lost in an ocean of comparisons and the product of this is conflict, doubt and insecurity. and contrary to popular belief, the only place you are going to find stability, structure and serenity is inside of yourself.
And the most important and confronting question you may ever ask yourself is ‘Who Am I ?’. This of course is a very threatening question to the ego mind and it will usually come in like a flash trying to distract you from such a terrifying quest, for the ego mind is the direct experience of separation. However I ask you to persist and find the desire and will to pursue this invitation into the unknown aspects of yourself, because it is inside of you that there are not so much comparisons to deal with, but in fact, misunderstandings that you have believed to be true about yourself based on other peoples comparisons of you in relation to them!!
First and foremost, find the courage to own these misunderstandings through love and understanding for yourself. Realise that understanding for the Self has not been taught to us and it needs to be acquired through practice and dedication to your own Self inquiry.
There is truly no other destination that will bring you either relief or a personal revolution other than your willingness to move inward to the undiscovered you. The You that is spontaneous,trusting,creative and inspired.The You that does not need to compare themselves to the rest of the world, because the inner knowing of your true worth as love is your rock and your retreat. You are already divine love and it is your greatest mission to remember this now!
For information on personal transformational Courses held by Jennifer please go to
In Loving Service
Jennifer Starlight ©
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