After many years of assisting people with their emotional blocks I have noticed how determined and relentless the emotional body has become in demanding recognition from its source….which is us!
And I wish to share here some insights I have received over the years while working intimately with peoples emotions.Emotions are magnetic and even though ‘invisible’ until expressed, are always laying within your cells and consciousness and in many cases the emotional body has appeared so destructive looking that the belief that it must be controlled has led to even more upheaval and crises!
But this is because the emotional body has been so denied and it is now desperate for acknowledgement. The emotional body must be healed through expression, otherwise Spirit or what some term Life-Force cannot flow through the body,causing eventual illness in either the physical,mental or emotional bodies and in many cases all 3 bodies. No part of the self can remain denied and will eventually demand expression one way or the other.
There are steps you can take to assist you; Stop all self judgement and judgement of your emotions and allow them full expression. Use movement,sound and breath to assist in their release and most importantly give you Soul permission on a daily basis to bring to you what it is you require in any given moment. The Soul is very powerful and the habit to struggle and strive in our lives only hinder it’s efforts to support and guide us.
Begin to see your emotions as ‘angelic messengers’ alarming you to where you have unplugged from the love and guidance of your Heart & Soul and start to realise what an honour in fact it is, to be having this human experience!
Emotions only become harmful when they are not allowed to flow and eventually the damn walls within you must burst, creating overwhelm and unnecessary stress. Have faith that clearing your emotional body is going to in fact transform your entire being,including your outlook on life and state of health.
It is time to feel our way through life, not think our way through life!
I am available for Soul Readings and in this process we also communicate to your emotional body and assist it to transform itself through the simple actions of acknowledgement and gratitude..
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