We the Union of Love and we the Union of Light greet you with much delight, great desire and great oneness. Each and every heart, which is here, is here for a reason. Each and every heart that beats beats for a reason. Each and every heart that finds themselves within the human temple is for a reason. Each of you is a reason of becoming of being and discoverance, there is no one path for any, and there is no one reason for existence. Each of your hearts is seeking the same thing but maybe for a different reason, what each heart seeks is union, is joy, is peace and purpose. Your greatest purpose dear ones is to be in joy for in truth this is your natural state of being, this is your true existence, and this is the ultimate reason for all your experiences and discoveries. Many look far and wide for their joy; they seek it through people, through places, through things. This course of action shall not serve you dear ones in the final analysis of your being and you’re becoming. Your joy has never left you, it is the very essence of your heart, its being and its becoming. You have a saying; everything you require is right under your nose! Well dear ones, surprise, surprise, guess where your heart is? Right under your nose. It sits and it awaits with patience for your discovery of its treasure, its treasure of joy, its treasure of peace, its treasure of purpose and of passion, for understand that without the treasure of passion, without the foundation of peace, nothing of true worth can be accomplished, nothing of true greatness can be achieved. We know you have heard these words before, however, many hearts now become desperate for it is the mind that is seeking the joy and it is the heart that sits alone waiting for your discovery. Through intent and desire for joy it shall be done, however, before the joy can be activated and received by the mind, you must understand the mind. We wish to give you an example of how we perceive your mind. If you could imagine a large mirror ball like you would see at a nightclub for example, upon that mirror ball are hundreds of small mirrors, making up one huge reflection of light, each of those mirrors are a thought or perception through which your mind travels and creates itself. Many have got so caught within the mirror tiles, the multi-faceted energies that are within the mind, they have focused on the baby mirrors but not the mirror ball itself, which is the highest consciousness that is within each and every mind. We would also like to use this mirror ball as an example of your lives, the many paths and the many lifetimes that you have travelled, and may we say it is easy to be caught in the light of the mirrored tiles, to think that is the destination of the journey. The light that is created through this mirror ball dear ones, is not the destination it is simply the experience. The destination is the heart; the destination is not the many fragmented mirrors of reflection within the mind. We ask that you enjoy the mind and the many spectrums of light that it can create, for understand light is the experience of love. Love is the very fibre and thread of all existence and all of existence has been created from love and when love experiences itself it creates light. However, in truth, love is the great void, the great space of nothing, for love requires nothing but its own existence, love is eternal, timeless, and if you choose, spaceless, and when this void, this spaceless, timelessness of love wishes to experience itself to reflect itself, it creates light, however dear ones your society has now become addicted to the light, to the experience of love and you wonder why you are unhappy, for you think the light is love. Light, and its experience are simply a reflection of love, love requires no thing. In your relationships of love, whether they be family, friend or partner, you focus on the experience you feel for another, you do not focus on the deep love connection within your heart that brought you together in the beginning of your existence. It is time to look beyond the light, play with the multi dimensional mirror ball all you choose, but know it is not the destination, for you can be blinded by the light you can be blinded by your experiences of love and hate and fear and doubt. For understand in truth all experiences are divine and all emotions that are created from experiences are divine, you simply judge your fear, judge your doubt, judge your grief, judge your sorrow, and this dear ones only magnifies it to you, creates more of the same energy and you end up in a cycle, in a mirror ball of multidimensional lights that confuse you and disorientate you. Accept the emotions, for whether they be sorrow, grief or joy, they are still divine, for they shall lead you back into the one heart, back into the foundation of peace and joy that you have always been and are becoming.
Union of Love & Light~Channeled by Jennifer Starlight
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