The Diamond Diaries are quarterly channellings received by Jennifer Starlight on the Gold Coast, from the ancient Spiritual Brethren, The Union of Love & Light, who will share what to expect energetically within us and also around us on planet Earth in 2023.
Welcome Dear Ones to the last quarter of 2023 but certainly not the last hoorah of your magnificent unfoldment!
We the Union of Love & Light watch over each of you with such admiration and know that your experiences reverberate through space & time for all to witness in all worlds. For understand it is only in physicality do you have such a focused and often restricted viewpoint of creation at large, for in the Spirit Realms no barriers exist that keep one from observing what they choose.
And we wish you to understand that your loved ones observe you often once they have released their mortal coil and join us in non physical existence. This may feel a little unnerving to some, however no judgement is ever cast upon the physical worlds or those within it, only love, compassion and empathy are felt. And if only you each allowed yourselves to feel the intensity of connection that is available to you from the world of Spirit your lives would be far more enriched, peaceful and exhilarating!
The truth is there has never been any veils between you and us. And what has been perceived as the veils is no more than consistent belief systems based on the illusions of separation and the consequent creation of fear that has kept you at such a distance from us and may we say your own Higher Soul Selves.
2023 vibrates to the mystical number of 7 and many have found it difficult to be ‘out there in the world’ as it is really a time of going inward, reflecting & connecting with your Soul & Spirit, and this brings us to the next 3 month cycle of ACTIVE AWAKENING.
October 2023–Active Exploration
This is a time of conscious integration with your own divine intelligence, integration with the Universe and integration with your loved ones passed, and also those present with you on your Earth Walk. It also involves integration of your inner child and ancient wounds, which by the way are very much intertwined together, and once you begin to address your emotional wounds from one perspective, whether it be ancient or this present life you begin to transform both emotional knots from past & present at once!
October is all about you and your relationship with all aspects of yourself and the worlds around you, and sadly because of this urgent need to integrate, those who refuse to build a bridge into their own inner realms will probably experience more isolation and loneliness than they have in previous times, because the energies streaming into the planet are intensifying. Both October and November will see many Souls exit the physical realm in droves and this will force those that remain to gain a new and true perspective on eternal life. Also understand it is not that the Soul wishes to leave, it is the density of the Soul’s ‘human extension’ that cannot tolerate the frequencies arriving now and this hinders the Soul from carrying out its divine purpose, so it exits until a more appropriate set of circumstances for it’s human’s evolution are created.
The Universe is always supporting you and with two eclipses taking place this month it is an invitation from the Heavens to help you & your Soul to finally integrate as one.
November 2023–Active Surrender
November is going to present to everyone their proverbial CROSSROADS in life. So even if you think you are now on your correct path there will be questions and new guideposts that may at first confuse you, but with awareness, will reveal some amazing AHA moments of clarity and new direction.
The challenge with this of course is that it is unexplored terrain and this is when trust & faith supported by human courage needs to come into play. You will also witness this in the world at large with some countries, companies and collective groups finding themselves in a crises of some description. But please do not let this distract you from your individual journey as it is imperative you take your leap of faith NOW!
Because when you do it will change and shift the balance in yourself, your families and beyond for the better. Because in truth you are effectively releasing yourself from the sticky & stagnate illusion of separation that has held you hostage in your Earth experience for too long.
And we have said this numerous times before…
If you find yourself on Earth now at this most exciting time of your human evolution it is because you chose to be here, to do your personal part in transformation for yourself and the greater good.
December 2023–Active Awakening
Now depending on what you did or did not choose to do in November will either have you feeling in limbo and impatiently waiting for something outside of yourself to ‘happen’ or you shall be getting very excited for perhaps no human conscious reason at all, because you have transformed yourself into a unified, cohesive and conscious Human/Soul Being.
This of course has always been the goal for each of you and all of the tears and suffering over lifetimes are now being transformed into wisdom and the reinstating of your Higher/Soul Self.
You dear ones are allowing God to evolve through this human experience and this is why any wise one upon your planet will consistently tell you to ‘look within’ because this is where God dwells. The God before thoughts and beliefs and the God before form and separation.
The pressure is upon you…yes. But so is the love, the comfort and the guidance.
The Supreme Source of your Being is wanting to wake up inside of you and this is why there is such intensity upon your planet now. Intensity of stress, struggle and sadness all coming to the surface to be released, so that the very thing you have ached for during eons of experience can now be realised, felt and forever awoken inside of you.
We have purposely not shared any predictions about planetary events, because they will be the same as they have been for thousands of dark years and will be playing on ‘repeat’ until you decide to stop playing your life on ‘repeat’.
The world will change when you do dear ones.
And as unbelievable and overwhelming as this may feel, it is the truth.
We the Union of Love & Light have never left your side and only ask that you reach out to your respective Soul families, whether on Earth or in the Heavens, and give permission to receive all the guidance, support and love you can channel into your being as a whole.
In Loving Service
-The Union of Love & Light-
Received by Jennifer Starlight,2023©
Jennifer is available for one to one Soul Sessions & Channeled Sessions
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