The Diamond Diaries are a series of monthly spirit channellings received by Jennifer Starlight on the Gold Coast, from the ancient Spiritual Brethren, The Union of Love & Light, who will share what to expect energetically within us and also around us on planet Earth in 2022.
Greetings Dear Ones to a spectacular time slot of your human history.
You may not feel this way right now and conceive your present time as more solemn than spectacular, however we need to say that this is a very poignant time within the great cycle of Mother Earth and you are the witnesses to not just Her evolution but also your own. For nothing remains the same, including each of you, and even though many are feeling stuck and stifled you need to understand that it is actually a deep healing time of your resistances and your conditioning.
Changes are now becoming rapid even in your terms and many opportunities may be disguised as challenges. And this is so important to really and truly understand. So we shall express it again in another way.
On the other side of every human challenge there awaits a spiritual gift of upliftment and universal unity, however if you are not aware of this it cannot be recognised as such and the old illusions of restrictions and continual suffering ensues.
So we are asking our Star Master Othello to share with you the upcoming challenges now presenting themselves within your month of May which shall continue persistently until you receive the gifts.
-The Union of Love & Light.
‘Shalom from my Centre to yours, Dearest Hearts of Magnetic Magnitude!
I appear to you now in a role of the deepest service to your Souls and to your human senses and wish to share with you the preordained preparations that are now entering your evolutionary experience and we shall start with your physical & emotional challenges, for this is what shall be highlighted during your month of May.
Intensified invisible frequencies from your Central Sun will be playing some havoc with the electric harmonics of your Hearts and this can be seen in a range of all ages and levels of fitness. The physical Heart will appear inflamed or feel pressurised in those who have resisted the release of their ancient grief, which has been with them long before even this incarnation and only one of two solutions is available. Release of the grief through natural emotional processes or medical intervention. The former shall bring with the natural release a wonderful sense of wellbeing and lightness, while the latter shall be shifting the blockages from one set of organ/s to another with some inexplicable symptoms possibly being created within either the renal region or neck area of many.
This shift of your physical Heart is designed to reawaken the innate intelligence within your etheric Heart which is located between the crown and the solar plexus regions at the back of your bodies. This is why when you are touched or contacted by Spirit it is actually making contact with this invisible Heart template and as a consequence you experience shivers on the back of your neck and partially along your spinal column.
The fifth month of May is also representative of your 5th Diamond Light, which is the Heart centre and all it is connected too, both in a physical and non physical way. Your Heart’s vast intelligence and enormous reservoir of Love is now demanding expansion in preparation for more intense occurrences of Light to be received and for many this will begin a process of deep emotional challenges in relation to betrayal through relationships. And may we say you are going to be surprised at how far your human minds may go to avoid such an expansion.
So it is imperative that you are always fully accountable for everything you are feeling and under no circumstances are you to deflect or divert your feelings onto another. And yes this is a challenge, particularly with the impossible programming you have each been given over centuries about relationships, but we know you can do it and to be frank if you do not do this now the challenges are going to increase exponentially.
And as your Hearts demand attention, so will your Souls! And this of course will challenge even the most proficient of you who are aware, awake and alert to the invisible shifts now taking place.
Because none of you have ever experienced such Heart & Soul intensity before while housing yourselves in a human suit. So be observant of yourselves and do not connect to the ‘stories’ of powerlessness you have previously convinced yourselves to be true which were created through the wrong programming you each received to begin with.
TRUST is now obligatory. Trust in your deepest feelings and may we say also your deepest fears. For fears have also been entrapped around the Soul and these need to be responded to and not reacted to.
To react is to re enact the fear and keep it active. To respond is to meet the fear with love and acceptance so it can transform itself into the powerful gift and quality of faith, particularly in yourself.
Some of you are going to be receiving very clear and ‘out of the blue’ impressions from your Soul’s and these will start as a small seedling of excitement and then be quickly met with …’that is impossible to achieve!’ from your minds.
We understand the difficulty, we really do. However we suggest you accept the seedling then demand a sign of confirmation from your Soul that the impression it has sent you is correct.
Just as many rivers run into the great oceans of your Earth, so many energy channels run into the great ocean of your own Hearts. So understand resistance to this etheric flow of feelings will create blockages and pollutants to build within your own meridian systems. This in turn effects every System in your biological bodies. It is that simple and that complex.
And just to ensure that your Hearts get a jolt or two to kick start this evolutionary process, world events this month will clearly display to you examples of such heartlessness and hopelessness that you shall decide to either find your courage to express your true feelings for yourself and for others or you shall numb yourself beyond anything you have experienced before and this unfortunately dear ones will basically freeze your energy channels and your life force.
I Othello who dwell in the Stars can envision the ‘big picture’ for your human futures and it can be a remarkable one of Love & Unity, nevertheless this is entirely up to each of you now. We cannot make it happen for you, as you are each the guardian and the gatekeeper of your own human suit and of Mother Earth.
Do not allow anything to distract you no matter how hard or difficult it becomes and regardless of your outside consequences. Ask for our help and we will be there.
It is time to change what you thought was unchangeable inside of you dear ones, come what may!
-The Union of Love & Light-
Received by Jennifer Starlight ©
-Channelling Spirit,Gold Coast.
To discover your own Soul’s divine path book an in depth session with Jennifer. Available in person and online at
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