The Diamond Diaries are a series of monthly channellings received by Jennifer Starlight from the ancient Spiritual Brethren known as The Union of Love & Light who will share what to expect energetically within us and also around us on planet Earth
Greetings Dear Ones,
We bring ourselves forth on the wings of last month’s guidance in relation to the Original Will Oppressors and wish to deepen your understanding and knowledge of both the dynamics and destiny of what you have the opportunity to create now.
It is important to understand that your world from a human perspective is one of consistent projections and this experience in its very nature will create an illusion of separateness and this of course is at the core of all of your human suffering.
You cannot escape the reality that everyone is an aspect of yourself as you are of them and when this is completely understood and accepted only then will you gaze upon another without judgement or ridicule and instead embrace them with understanding and acceptance.
The murderer, the mystic and the miser for example are ALL archetypal aspects of yourself and when you judge any of them you are in fact polarising yourself to these magnetic patterns and perhaps something deeper to dwell upon is that the murderer, the mystic and the miser all had previously condemned these archetypes within themselves and needed to directly experience the essences of what they could not understand.
And this is also what makes your human race so unique!
Because you have the ability to be whatever you wish, when you wish, and many of you will live some form of schizophrenic life due to the denials of that which you do not wish to accept within yourselves. And may we sadly say that your collective human race is now obviously in a state of schizophrenia with itself. It has divided itself now to such a degree that those who are archetypal peacemakers in this lifetime are now going head to head with the archetypal bullies in this lifetime.
However please understand dear archetypal peacemakers that the bully must also exist within you and is actually a projection in your human experience that now needs more than ever your loving peace.
And archetypal bullies we know you actually believe you do not deserve peace because you have only experienced fear and abuse within yourselves, but your determination when coming from the intention of love is something the peacemakers could use for their causes.
Also understand there really is no such thing as reincarnation so much as re-designation of your experiences and any mental & emotional magnetics that have previously been judged or denied will carry forward to the next life cycle until you can arrive at a neutral position in relation to what you see and experience around you and within you.
This may seem like a mission impossible ,however it is not and it is the goal you ultimately wish to achieve, for understand dear ones; opinions actually lack any form of true Consciousness because anything that is stated as an opinion is not coming from a place of neutrality and a place of neutrality is the only place in which it is possible to see the whole truth and to also meet and merge with the consciousness of Oneness & God.
So of course upon your planet as we predicted in recent months, the intensity is building from the standpoint of projections, judgements and opinions and this will keep you out of a place of neutrality and imprisoned in a place of criminality against each other, no matter what your archetypal role in this lifetime may be.
Understand the only true crime you torture one another with is the over riding of each others will’s and true wishes and this is the core crime behind every war, revolution and execution that has ever taken place upon your planet.
December dear ones is the time to utilise your wills and your wishes for yourselves to reach that neutral place where all power and purpose is sourced from so this true Consciousness can shift the state of schizophrenia now so prevalent upon your planet and begin to neutralise all that has been polarised.
Make no mistake your projections are coming at you thick and fast but until you own them instead of denying and segregating them with righteous indignation there is honestly no chance of change at this point.
We know many cannot see ‘the woods for the trees’ at present, so instead of searching out there and getting lost in the woods and chaos of human wills, rest in the stillness of simple observation, for you can never know the big picture for any Soul in a human suit and many are requiring the experience of oppression as part of their archetypal contract, while others of you are actually releasing all contracts and conditions of behaviour to instil true Consciousness upon this planet.
You are now experiencing the multi-dimensionality of your human & ancestral being which is forcing you into deeper transformational states, while also beginning to integrate the multi-dimensionality of your Soul & Spirit being. And this is what will shift your world from its present state of schizophrenia and segregation.
And if you truly want to make a difference in your world use your wills to send love and acceptance to those in abusive authority and over riding your choices, because in truth dear ones they are a direct creation of your denials and judgements which you have placed upon yourselves.
So when you can thank the medical and political bullies then you are accepting your own abusive inner critic and in doing so the political poison being projected back at you will disappear!
We love you beyond any experience, experiment or archetype and only ask that you do the same for yourselves.
-The Union of Love & Light-
Received by Jennifer Starlight©
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