The Diamond Diaries are a series of monthly spirit channellings received by Jennifer Starlight on the Gold Coast, from the ancient Spiritual Brethren, The Union of Love & Light, who will share what to expect energetically within us and also around us on planet Earth in 2022.
Welcome Dear Ones, to the peak of a very intense cycle!
We the Union of Love & Light send our respect and deepest gratitude to you for your willingness to not only endure your challenges but to also advance through them.
2022 from where we are positioned within Creation was for each of you, the beginning of an initiation into the Soul and we understand that many have had difficulty getting out of their minds and into their feelings, and may we say this advanced adventure into the ways of your Soul is going to continue until reunion with it is achieved.
So dear ones, what we are saying in a nutshell is that life will continue to appear frustrating, infuriating and challenging until you can harness the depth of wisdom and guidance you each possess as eternal & infinite Souls. In other words, life is going to present you with more conflicting and contrasting experiences if you insist on living from the confines of your mind. So depending on whether you are listening to your head or your heart will determine what sort of experience you are going to create.
Life is always exquisite but will become rapidly excruciating when you are not in alignment with love. And it is so very important to understand that a ‘mental experience’ can never achieve the depth of love, understanding & truth that a ‘soul experience’ will always offer you.
December in its essence is a time to remember!
To remember you are infinite & eternal..
To remember you are multidimensional & limitless..
To remember Supreme Source is not complete without you becoming conscious of your true self..
2022 has also allowed you to learn the right use of your Wills. To understand that your intention, no matter how vague it may feel is always going to be the foundation for all of the outcomes of your decisions. So, again, are you choosing from fear or from the faith of your true feelings? Are you believing you are a victim of circumstance and always have to go with the flow of others desires? Or are you perhaps a fatalist and believe the Universe is deciding everything for you?
All of the above are understandable based on the belief systems you have been given, even in your spiritual groups. However, you are the deal breaker, the dream maker and the soothsayer!
You are the power, the potential and we say with love & respect, the problem. For you have never been educated to know that everything actually starts and stops with you!
And that every experience is always either completely created by you or co-created with other partners in crime and this includes your Spirt guides. For understand, we cannot go against your Will, this is law, and nor do we wish too. For it is in the direct experiences of creating from love and destroying through fear that you can learn very quickly that you hold the magic wand of creation called your Will at all times.
For example if you are wishing and hoping to win the lottery or to meet the perfect partner because you are experiencing lack in your life, if the intention is coming from fear of lack then you shall create more of that experience, however, if you feel deep within yourself a yearning to give love to another or to obtain financial prosperity so you may follow your Soul’s guidance then you will have far more success for a positive outcome. It is also important to remember that what the mind wants will often look completely different to what the Soul knows to be perfect. So even though you are wanting to win the lottery with the right intention to be of service to others, your Soul will decide how & what it is going to create to support you in the physical world, and may we say there is likely to be more than one potential and gift of guidance for your growth that your Soul is covering within every experience you have in conjunction with it.
It is time to use the challenges of your polarised world to your advantage. Please realise that you are usually creating from your societies collective belief systems but when you can choose to first surrender to your Soul’s yearnings and then activate them with the deepest feelings of desire with your Will then your mind can also serve this divine process by offering its gift of imagination to bring into physical vision what the Soul has planned for you, its human extension. For you are your Soul as much as you are your human body and by marrying the two into a cohesive team then and only then may you begin to manifest what is truly good, gracious and genuine.
Our mission is to help you to bridge the gap between your human & soul aspects and to assist you in any way that we can because we will tell you this. …Not only will you be bridging the physical and nonphysical aspects of yourself, you will be bringing not only the male and female aspects of yourself back together, you will also be allowing the Father and the Mother of your Souls creation to awaken within you. Because they must be together and cohesive before they can manifest as one in you.
In a sense, your humanity is still in the dark ages believing that the Spirit world is out there somewhere. Because you have been so polarized to your intellect and not your intuition. Now there is nothing wrong with the intellect and it has created many things, but without the intuition, without the love, none of it really brings you any joy.
The first book that we transmitted through Starlight was called ‘Union’. And that is exactly what is on the horizon brothers and sisters, union of nonphysical with physical, Spirit with Body, Soul with Heart. Union is what you have all ached for and union is coming. With love.
-The Union of Love & Light-
Received by Jennifer Starlight©
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