I came across this channeling from The Mother and was compelled to post it as I feel we are experiencing a New Dawn of Consciousness NOW…
‘I come to you at this time scribing my love through this child Starlight. You are now being called upon to remember who you have always been. Understand that I the Mother will nurture heal and support you with all my heart, my will and my destiny.
I have let you be who you have wished to be up until this time to explore and experience yourselves and the way you have, has allowed me to do the same. You are I and I you, we cannot be separate or separated. We can no longer pretend that we are not one. The Father of Manifestation also knows there is no tomorrow without Union now with you, our healers and our gems!
Know that the truth we are about to give may shock, stun and even anger some.
We Mother, Father, All That Is could not exist without YOU, let alone expand and grow as we have without YOU. As a Soul and as a Divine Spirit you volunteered your essence, your Divine Self to go out and experience separateness, to experience aloneness, to leave your true home to assist in the growth of the Original Source. Just as you experience and reflect back to one another many things, so the Source as a whole needed to separate from itself to reflect back to itself what it was and what it wasn’t.You, all of you are perfect reflections of the Original Source and all it needed to discover about itself. Original Source first manifested the experience of separateness by dividing itself into two aspects.This is what you call the masculine and feminine energies or essences.
I the Mother and my direct polarity,the Father, became reflections or the Original Source and it’s need to dissect itself during it impulse for self inquiry.
Original Source divided itself into the essence of Light (Father or God, White Lodge) and Dark (Mother or Goddess, Black Kingdom).
Understand Original Source is now calling us back to become one again through the heart centre, so naturally we are calling you back to us as we had to experience separateness from our Source as you did from us.
Original Source wishes to communicate directly with you also. The concept that you have been on the bottom of the spiritual chain or ladder was very necessary, hence your anger, and in many respects while you still inhabit the earth realm, you have a right to feel angry.
However we stress the need for you to “get over it” as the time has come to embrace Original Source through the gateway of the seventh sense, as the time is coming that if you’re not going to integrate your consciousness with Original Source, then it is coming to you exactly 30 years from now. 2032 Source will return and this reconnaissance mission will be complete by 2089. There will be mass contact at this time with other reflections of Original Source the ones you call aliens or extraterrestrials and this is to shock or wake up if you will the the “ones” who refuse to take part in the remembrance process.’
The Mother-Received by Jennifer Starlight
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