When you know that you don’t know, is when you will find out what you truly need to know!
Sounds simple and also feels crazy perhaps?
Leave the chaos and control of the mind for one minute and in that time use your imagination to feel what it is to be free of constraints and the constrictions that we place upon ourselves and others.
Seriously ask yourself the following 5 questions…even if it takes days at a time to answer.
When you can find the courage to answer them honestly to yourself, you will then be ready,willing and able to move emotional and energetic mountains within yourself.
- Are you over yourself yet ?
- Have you suffered enough yet?
- Whom do you love, who perhaps doesn’t love you?
- Why did you choose all of your life experiences? (please try to find the gift of self development and knowledge here)
- Are you willing to take full responsibility for all you have experienced, which includes both your pain and happiness?
Self acceptance is the key to self love and perhaps the most powerful of experiences is actually not knowing who you are,but more importantly feeling into who you have always been, which is love and its journey of eternal mystery.
Let go of your identity and its walls of protection and free fall into the unknowable, infinite self.
In Loving Service
Jennifer Starlight ©
Jennifer says
Life is asking us to step up to the plate of truth and trust! Anything else we choose other than these Laws of Life will bring obvious and inevitable pain.. Jennifer Starlight