Depression~The Invisible Prison;
‘Keep your mind inside your heart’…Mooji
Depression of all kinds and in varying degrees is now reaching epidemic proportions within all age groups of our society, and even those on a spiritual path are not immune to this disorder. In fact, many people who begin on the path of self-inquiry and wish to consciously reconnect with Spirit will often fall into a malaise when life keeps sending them emotional or life changing ‘curve balls’.
Unfortunately, many are of the belief that if they connect to Spirit and do all the ‘right things’ and consistently try to improve themselves, that this will be enough to protect them from life’s ups and downs, particularly on an emotional level. So a spiritual depression can often begin within a person when there is the realization that life cannot be controlled through applying ‘practices’ of any nature, whether it be through the physical, mental or spiritual experience. And so begins the illusion of separation from life and love and the belief that they are doing something wrong, or are unworthy of the love and peace they have been promised through various activities or modalities.
The Energetic Pattern of Depression, even if it is inherited and stored unconsciously in the DNA, or appears as a chemical/hormonal imbalance in it’s nature, the origin of all depression is created from the foundation of self judgment, which has become one of the most debilitating and destructive forces within our humanity. The expectations and judgments placed upon us by our families, our society and our own ego’s, sets before each of us the huge challenge of maintaining our self worth while trying to be all we can be, or worse, who we are supposed to be within the eyes of others and ourselves.
And the harder we try to live up to these artificial expectations, the further down into the deep well of disappointment and despair we fall. We then become disconnected from our soul’s inner guidance and intuition, which are the very foundations of our divine intelligence and true direction! Life becomes joyless and pointless and an unexplainable sense of homesickness and alienation is created, we begin to judge and control our emotions and so through judgment and inner conflict, an endless cycle of negative emotions begins to then control us.
Min, my own guide and also an ancient aspect of the ‘Union of Love and Light’ teaches and reminds us about the beauty and power of our mind’s emotions and soul’s feelings and to understand that being a Human Being is to experience Spiritual Mastership. Min also teaches that many spiritual beliefs are still steeped in judgments of fear and separation, such as; spiritual ascension is the only way to become whole; spiritual protection is necessary to keep evil away and that there are life lessons for humans because they are less than God; to name just a few; In truth;
v At your core you are pure love, or you could not exist.
v You chose to have this human experience to assist in your own evolution and that of God’s.
v You are a unique aspect within the Web of Life and All of Existence could not exist without you. You are a Universal Blessing.
Here is a simple exercise, which will assist, in the positive upliftment of your thoughts and your moods;
Stand outside and face the Sun.
With intent, direct the golden rays into your third eye at the center of your forehead.
See your mind fill with golden light and imagine a pearl in the center of your brain also filling with golden light. Now consciously take your breath up through your nostrils into this golden pearl, and witness this ball expand and contract with each breath.
Do this for as long as you feel comfortable. Repeat daily.
The pearl in the center of your brain is the Pineal Gland and what Min refers to as the Gateway for your Divine Consciousness. By activating this with golden sunlight and conscious breath, it will assist you in reconnecting to your own divine intelligence and pure life force, which is Love.
In Loving Service
Jennifer Starlight
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