It was late when I received this, which is when I contemplate the best!
I had a vision last night which showed me what I can only describe as ‘A Wobble’ of consciousness moving through our plane of magnetic existence. A little perplexed I asked Spirit what this actually meant?
And the reply was this; You are each about to experience a cycle of time when you are going to feel alone and perhaps for some of you, completely abandoned by Us. But do not despair,for what is truly happening is a state of immense grace for each of you,if only you can feel it!
This ‘Wobble’ is in fact the deep release of your past resistances to Us and God and whatever appears in your experiences of time between now and the end of this October 2015 will be evolutionary for all of you if you can embrace trust and faith.
There can be no more sleepwalkers and there can be no more beings who speak the lies of their minds! Only authentic love will shift the ‘Wobble’ and only those willing to stand up as individual pioneers will be truly heard and supported. For you dear ones are the future ancestors of this realm and your direct conviction for Love in all things now needs to be heralded into the minds and bodies of the suffering.
In Loving Service
Jennifer Starlight
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