My ‘relationship’ with Min began on the 19th November 2005 when I experienced a visitation or what may be described as a very physical vision.
8am, half asleep, he appeared before me. Very tall in a long black robe with a plaited beard to match, he gazed at me silently. After my initial shock we connected telepathically and I was mesmerized, in awe and confused, all in that one timeless moment.
‘We have a contract to work together starlight’ he stated.
‘I am a pre-Egyptian consciousness that has returned at this time of your human history to assist each of you in your imminent evolution’
And so it began, a love story of both divine proportions, combined with feelings of human doubt and confusion.
I had already been dabbling in trance channel work on and off for about 10 years and I distinctly remember the first time I physically channelled Min. It was new years day 2006 and my partner Peter was the only one present. Min & Peter spoke for what seemed a very short hour on the history of our Earth and the beginnings of our humanity, and when Min released himself from my consciousness I sobbed in joy and for the first time in this life, I was touched to my core by divine love.
Why choose me Min? This is something I still ask myself and I now believe that through the grace of Spirit and its wish to keep me balanced, I shall never know on a human level, although many theories have gone through my mind over the years.
Min has been a part of my every day life since 2005, offering love & support, and also regular reality checks, assisting me to remain grounded and fully present.
I am often asked; what is it like to channel such a being?
Well to be honest it was a huge challenge in the beginning for me to completely surrender to such a powerful but gentle force. At first I would struggle and become very tired afterwards, but as I learnt to let go and completely trust I now find myself energised after each transmission. I have also been given an internal protocol that I follow in preparation for Spirits arrival, which I diligently follow before each transmission, however the sensations that follow can differ each time depending on my mental, physical and emotional states at the time.
So when channelling Min or more recently Lord Maitreya, I cannot give you a direct experience, as both beings have very different energy and both beings have very different roles. But may I say here that both beings intentions are always expressed from the purest love and this has been displayed very tangibly on some occasions when even I have broken down after some transmissions, unable to hide my deepest emotions of love for them and the honour I feel to be their ‘physical vehicle’.
The greatest challenge for each of us I believe, is to completely surrender and let life unfold firstly within us and then before us. But what an exciting journey this life can be when we let go of expectations & the need to control.
In Service Jennifer Starlight.
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