In the Arms of the Angels ~ Public Transmission By Lord Maitreya,
Channeled by Jennifer Starlight
Greetings Brother and Sisters. It is our honour to be with you today. We understand the journey has been difficult, even treacherous for some and you are weary, and perhaps confused, feeling you have no direction. But may we assist you by saying in fact there is no destination other than back into the majesty and the mystery of your core presence, which is love.
And only love is going to change this world. No technology and no medical breakthroughs are going to change this world. You have been so indoctrinated with fear, doubt and wrong information that the hopelessness, the judgement and the separation that you feel is now amplifying itself through the very cells of your bodies, and we want you to know in truth, you are not hopeless, you are not judgement and you are certainly not separate from love. The fact you are receiving our message must tell you that you are ready to stop the suffering and remember the love that is spontaneous and flowing within each of you. And when we say to you that you belong in the arms of the angels, you are in fact your own angels.
Now there are angelic realms that oversee many things and in fact everything in your Existence is attached to an angelic consciousness and the only difference between you and the angelic realms is that they do not have any fear or judgement. So they are here to reflect back to you that pure core of love that you have always been and in truth that is all they are here for; to reflect back to you what you have forgotten is always within yourselves. And we would like you to call upon the angelic aspect of yourselves, the pure aspect that has not learnt fear and judgement, because it is from here (points to heart chakra) that those angelic wings shall wrap around you. And we do not wish to lecture you, we simply wish to nudge you a little further inward, because we can promise you there is no where else to go of any worth. You understand what we are saying? There is no other destination that is going to serve you or is of any worth other than your inward journey and you, as individuals, must find the desire and the Will to move deeper within yourselves. We cannot do it for you and we want you to ask yourselves in your more quiet moments, to truly and honestly ask yourselves, have you suffered enough yet? Because if you have, this is a defining moment in any human beings experience, because when you make the choice, the real choice to stop suffering, miracles will begin to happen. It is so simple your minds cannot grasp it.
Now we are here to serve you and the greater good of your world and I, Maitreya invite whoever chooses to come before us so we may be of assistance.
Lady: “Good morning Maitreya,“
M; Good morning.
Lady: “You said that the reason we relate to angels is because we are angels and that when we come here we are angels evolved. Is that right? “
M: Well, it is human evolvement. It is not angelic evolvement. You understand what we are saying? Because there are many angels on this planet who are having a lot of trouble being human.
Lady “Well I can understand that.”
M; Yes, because you have stored within you the cellular memory of other dimensions of such purity and peace, that when your consciousness comes here, it is very jarring for many of you and very disheartening and often very painful. But this is part of evolution because what you are doing in fact, as the angels you are, you are here to reawaken within your human experience your divine intelligence, for your divine intelligence has no fear. You understand what we are saying here? Fear has been created through the illusion of doubt and misinformation. But reality is love and so your soul is always aware of reality because your soul is reality; it is the aspect of God that extends itself out into many experiences and dimensions. So reality is always running like a thread of gold through every experience. But the soul now has something else to contend with in it’s human experience and that is the ego mind and the emotional body and we have said from the beginning that this takes true mastership because you decided through your own desire to expand and express yourself into what is now called the human dimension. And the greatest service any of you can do as souls is to bring reality into this dimension because this dimension in fact is just starting out. The human manifestation that your soul is experiencing has not been around very long in the scheme of things and none of you received a manual, so to put your soul into a biological suit is very courageous indeed because you literally put yourselves into the unknown when you first came into this human experience. You understand what we are saying?
Lady “Yes.”
M: And to put yourself into the unknown, spontaneously creates evolution, you begin to develop and create aspects of yourselves that have never been created before. So when the soul moves onto other dimensions and experiences, the depth, the exquisite depth of experience it has in the human condition will be unmatched by any other experience to this point. Does this assist?
Lady: “Yes thankyou Maitreya.”
M; So the soul and this human aspect that you are experiencing are here to integrate and communicate and assist in the evolution of humanity and also please understand there is no higher or lower vibration of anything in Existence. There are however different levels of density around pure vibration. You see the difference here? This is important. You are all of equal essence. You are all the reality of love. So at your core you are all equal, you are not higher or lower. It is simply the illusion of density or the density of illusion that you are all paying attention to, and the more you pay attention to it the bigger it gets. You understand?
Lady :“Yes, yes. Thank you. “
M; Very good. Thank you, another question (from the audience.)
Lady: “When I focus on feeling love I also feel pain and I’ve been through a lot over the last eight years and this is the one thing I haven’t been able to change.
M: What a beautiful question. When this dear one focuses on love she feels pain. We just said to you that at your core you are all love and you have all created a density of illusion around you, which is the pain of feeling separate from love. So when love is allowed to expand and express itself, it transforms the pain and as we said to you before, the only way to transform this feeling of separation is to feel it and what happens is, love brings up everything unlike itself to be healed. The mind often believes love has abandoned it and that you are out of love. You are not. You are deeply in love and love is deeply within you. You need to keep going with feeling the pain because we can promise you this; grief is the doorway back to love, because there has been grief created through the self-judgement and the separation from your core essence. You understand what we are saying?
Lady: “Yes.”
M: Understand, you cannot get rid of anything that you have created, which includes your emotions. They are of your creation and are looking for your acknowledgement and your understanding. So if you have the intention of, “I must get this pain out and get rid of it”, we promise you, you will not. Because at its very core, emotional pain is still love and it is in fact created from love unspoken and love unfelt. And at some point many of you were programmed to believe that you are unworthy of such love. But how can you be unworthy of something that you already are? You see what we are saying?
Lady: “Yes, I feel complete in what you just said. Thank you”
M: Thank you. Greetings. So, you are the angels of love that you have been looking for, wrap your arms around yourselves in honour and with grace for may we say, the next 25 years of your evolution, if you think it is fast now, you have no idea.
Lord Maitreya 2014
Jennifer Starlight is an Australian Trance Medium & Author of international renown. Since 2005 Jennifer has dedicated herself to being the ‘physical vehicle’ for both the ancient Egyptian consciousness Min and more recently the Lord Maitreya, who is an Ascended Master within the Brotherhood of Light. Both Min & Maitreya transmit pure love and healing wisdom to their audiences and have initiated many spontaneous healings and awakenings within individuals.
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