There is an infinite wise one dwelling deep within each of us but it does not consist so much of intellectual knowledge as it does an indestructible universal intelligence of love and truth.It is timeless and intrinsically connected to a creation so vast the mind cannot comprehend it. It is here to serve us and its eternal multi dimensional language is that of feelings.
Over the years many people have confessed to me that they believe they don’t know how to feel, whether it be feelings of excitement & joy or pain & grief. While others have expressed that they don’t know how to control their feelings of anger & rage or depression & hopelessness. And the challenges of feeling too much vs not feeling at all are hindered by a society that generally judges both.
Our emotions are a direct product of our beliefs and depending on the ‘programming’ we have received from our families, friends and foes over our formative years this then can often determine the type of attitude we have about ourselves. However under all of these misaligned mental mists of uncertainty, confusion, delusion and fears is an incredible guidance system of accuracy and intelligence in service to us.
This internal guidance system is the intuition and is more commonly described as our ‘gut feelings’. This intelligence is always present and works directly through the body as impulses or impressions of deep feelings of what is right and wrong for us.
During our Covid19 experience in lockdown some have expressed how wonderful it has been to stop, reflect and take stock of their internal worlds while others have greatly struggled with unexpected and overwhelming experiences of panic and anxiety.
The busyness of modern life has definitely kept many at arms length from what is most important and this includes themselves. For without a sense of inner connection to the amazing intelligence inside of us, life will feel difficult, stress filled and something to be afraid of. Understanding that these more challenging emotions are not the enemy and are simply guiding us to how we are out of balance within ourselves, will stop the judgement of them and allow a natural realignment to occur.
In transforming and clearing your emotional body you allow that internal guidance system of your intuition to make strong contact through direct and undeniable feelings deep in the solar plexus.And when this is allowed to happen then life becomes an open, creative and wonderfully surprising journey, for the Soul is in charge.
So how do you express and release your emotions in a healthy and safe way?
- Don’t judge your emotions and instead accept them as the Divine Messengers that they truly are.
- When feeling anxious or fearful take a few moments to find where you are holding these sensations in your body and breathe deeply into the area, as breath is a very direct and efficient way to move blocked or stagnant energies in our bodies.
- Talk to your emotions and learn to really listen to them.Use your imagination to communicate to the sensations and thank them for their presence, as resisting them and trying to shove them down will only amplify them.
- Give your emotions movement, so if you can’t surrender to being emotional, move around in a safe space, write them out, scream them out or walk them out.
- Also talk them out with someone you trust who you know will not condemn you for what you are feeling.
- Accept that it is totally normal to get emotional in your life AND that it is also totally normal to have an intuition!
- To deny the emotions is to eventually make yourself sick and tired and will put you in a far worse state than the original feelings were creating.
- And last but not least, if a decision, person, place or thing feels right for you THEN IT IS RIGHT! Do not let the doubts of your programmed mind stop you from taking that risk or leap of faith, as I promise you, you will never be disappointed with what exciting, loving and expansive experiences the Soul and its intuition has in store for you.
Every experience, including emotional possesses a gift of self understanding and healing and when you can truly know this a sense of gratitude and empowerment will soon take the place of any suffering you may be experiencing.
To be emotional is to be a precious human and to be intuitive is to be a precious Soul and when the two come into union inside of us then an extraordinary and rich life will be ours.
In Loving Service
Jennifer Starlight
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