Humanity as a whole is now at an extraordinary crossroads where we can choose to travel down the illusionary road of the mind or ultimately be present in this eternal moment.Both the external and internal pressures to find the truth are becoming very obvious and turning our back on our selves will bring us no joy in the long or short term as consciousness is expanding within us whether we like it or not!
It is time to embrace your dearest friend and truest guide and this can only be done by surrendering yourself and your life into the loving arms of your own Soul. Your Soul is the divine intelligent aspect of you that exists beyond this transient physical body and mind and it’s deepest desire for you,its human extension, is to guide you with love and inspiration upon your human journey.
So how do you listen to your Soul and understand its language?
There are two general ways the soul communicates to you. Firstly through feelings,which will be felt within the region of your solar plexus and these can be feelings of excitement or even dread,but either way the sensations will always be true either alarming you not to take a particular action or encouraging you to take a particular action.Start to practice the art of stillness and solitude so your awareness can start to feel your Soul’s impulses within this region of your body.
Secondly the Soul will speak to you through the language of symbology by presenting you with impressions that come into your physical world at very obvious times of conflict or decision making,such as hearing a song on the radio which resonates with what your thinking or a number plate on the car in front of you while you are driving, that confirms something you have been questioning.
In fact the whole Universe is in every moment sending us messages of guidance if only we can see it!
But more importantly than anything else give your Soul permission to start bringing into your life what you need,which could be very different to what your mind has convinced you to believe that you want. The mind cannot possible know what is for your highest good because it is filled with belief systems of fear and doubt and can only use the reference point of the past to make its decisions.
Your Soul is the divine,all knowing,pure aspect of you that now aches for your acknowledgement and whether you realise it or not,you each have the courage to surrender to the magnificence of your Soul and let go of your suffering once and for all.
Your Soul has only one desire as you do – Seeking Only Universal Love.
In Service
Jennifer Starlight
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