The Diamond Diaries are a series of monthly channellings received by Jennifer Starlight from the ancient Spiritual Brethren known as The Union of Love & Light who will share what to expect energetically within us and also around us on planet Earth for the coming months of 2021.
Greetings Dear Ones,
We are inviting a specific branch of our collective consciousness to address you now so a different frequency of divine intelligence may penetrate the armour of fear and apprehension so many of you are experiencing at present.
This aspect is the most ancient part of our universal collective and of you dear ones and all we ask is that you listen with your heart and not try to process this through the mechanics of your mind..
‘We come to you to share a perception of the Feminine which to date has not been accurately perceived by many of you, so gather yourself within your own heart, feel all of your awareness in this most holy of points within yourselves. Be present to receive the veins of truth that like gold are awaiting your discovery. For all of you possess these veins of golden truth within or you could not exist.
Yes, you have discovered aspects of what we wish to term The Feminine Foundation over human time and through the ages, but rarely has it been realised as the force before all other forces within the capacity and the miracles of what you term LIFE.
We are not going to bore you or berate you with the history of the Feminine upon your planet because this only serves to hinder you even more with what has already transpired in misunderstandings and misinformation. You need to understand without doubt that She is the very pulse of your hearts in your bodies and She needs to be acknowledged not for power or for glory but actually for your own wellbeing as both a human and a Soul.
This Feminine Foundation cannot be contained within any one form or manipulated into any human thought or concept even though many have tried, and for most of you your closest communion with this original force outside of yourselves has been through what you term Mother Nature, for it is within this most precious of manifestations that She makes her feelings felt and realised within your physical realm. However, all species upon the Earth are her vehicle and all Elements are aspects of her consciousness and this includes you dear ones.
For thousands of years the natural scales of balance and equality between the Masculine and Feminine within you and around you have been thrown out of alignment and now you are being asked to rectify this within yourselves.
You cannot continue on the present path of separation, illusion and confusion, for you are not only damaging your own biological bodies with modern diseases such as cancer and acute anxiety, you are also closing down your conscious union with the Feminine Foundation within yourselves. To continue doing this is to debilitate the human race like it never has been before.
Put in human terms, the Feminine Foundation within you is your true feelings or what you can also term your intuition and combined with your will and willingness to express those feelings and to follow your Soul’s guidance the Feminine is expressed.
The Feminine Foundation is just that, your very foundation on all levels of your Being, and could be conceived as the ancient roots of the Cosmic Tree of Life of which all Soul’s in creation are a part of and of which the Masculine Force of God expresses itself through.
Within each of you is lifetimes of unexpressed sadness and grief, which if continued to be denied as it has been shall bring epidemics of hopelessness & heartlessness, creating mental illness, severe addictions and suicide. For understand the Feminine Foundation when denied to such a collective degree cannot function within you and must release itself from the torture of restriction and this is now becoming very apparent upon your planet with the heartlessness being displayed by your leaders and the ensuing hopelessness it is now creating.
You have been cosmically wired to the Feminine Foundation from your very conception as a Soul and even when you have ‘branched out’ on your own as a divine spark of creation you have always been connected to the veins of gold the Mother had wrapped you in at your emergence. You have always held the element of gold outside of yourself as your most precious and lasting of elements and this now needs to be remembered and awoken within yourselves.
For without the recognition and reigniting of the presence of the Mother of your Soul’s creation as a living being within you there will always be suffering and despair. There will always be dictators upon your planet who are heartless and relentless. There will always be violence, poverty and pain. And there will always be no way out of the density of your self created destinies until you come into harmony and balance with this most sacred aspect of your true natures.
Humans have long forgotten their true natures because they have denied and judged their true feelings.
So what do you do? How do you proceed?
The Feminine Foundation implores you to find that deep well within yourselves, where you ache for a Mother’s love, where you feel alone and perhaps homesick and truly feel it.
Be honest with yourselves and acknowledge how you have been heartless to others and especially yourself, for understand heartlessness has become your protection and the more severe your outside world becomes the easier and more logical it is to your mind to be heartless. And heartlessness can take many forms, from a simple judgement of yourself to a harsh viewpoint of another because they don’t agree with your viewpoint.
The Feminine Foundation must now rise up into humanities awareness and October 2021 is the initiation of her emergence both within you and the larger world. Masculine domination is presently being displayed by both sexes in all walks of life and if you have not been experiencing deep compassion and understanding for yourself or others then you are out of balance. And more importantly, if you have not also been experiencing internal rage at the injustices taking place upon your planet, particularly with the children, animals and ecology of your world then you too are still operating from the Masculine only.
You need to comprehend that the Feminine in her totality is both the hardest of steel and the softest of water. She is the deepest of oceans and the brightest of rainbows.The Feminine encompasses the dualities and the wholeness and the Masculine when in balance is in service to her Temple called Earth and her Tempest called Nature.
It is the Feminine which will change your world for its betterment and She dwells deep inside every man, woman & child.
Where ever you feel you are in the spectrum of the Yin and the Yang of this Universe you are going to see clearly that the Feminine is rising up!
Whether it be through your external weather patterns or your internal emotional patterns the grief and the rage will rise to be purified so the tenderness of love and the tenacity of truth may be reestablished. Then the hopelessness and the heartlessness will be seen clearly and the choices you need to make will begin to become obvious.
And if these words are triggering you, let the feelings come, especially the anger you may be feeling with the Feminine Foundation, for you have felt forsaken and abandoned. But this has never really taken place dear ones, it is the misinformation from unbalanced humans that you have relied on to be true.
October is a time of ancient wounds being embraced and transformed. A time of powerful rage being a catalyst for you to will your life into realignment with all aspects of yourself. A time of precious reunion with the foundation of love that allows the Universe to exist.’
-The Union of Love & Light-
Received by Jennifer Starlight 2021©
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