The Diamond Diaries are a series of monthly channellings received by Jennifer Starlight from the ancient Spiritual Brethren known as The Union of Love & Light who will share what to expect energetically within us and also around us on planet Earth for the coming months of 2021.
‘Welcome dear ones to the crossroads of your collective conscious awareness or sadly may we say lack of it. For any form of suffering taking place upon your planet now reflects where consciousness is not present and where consciousness needs to be activated within your perceptions and experiences.
We the Union of Love & Light have tremendous compassion for your present situations on Earth and there is nothing more that we wish for other than to release you from your miseries and fears. However due to The Laws of Creation we may not interfere with your experiences and only have the capacity to guide you for your inner Will is your divine gift for you alone to choose your intention and direction. No one can save you or cease your sorrows permanently except yourselves.
As you reach the mid point of 2021 you also have reached the midpoint between choosing to enter a conscious state or remain in an unconscious one. Also understand that making no choice at all is still a choice you have made, so only hoping the pain and turmoil will all go away will not serve you now and will only amplify what you have already been trying to deny within yourself. We ache for you to free yourselves from the chains of conditioning that have held you captive and unconscious for far too long and this dear ones dates back to the greatest civilisations in your ancient worlds. For tyranny has been alive and well upon your planet from the beginning of man’s need to control his destiny as a seperate being from the Supreme.
June is your 6th month upon your timeline and in our awareness also represents your throat centre which is the gateway through which you express yourself and also where you can cause yourself a lot of unnecessary conflict. For it is the centre for the direct expression of your ‘Wills’ and understand you have two distinct types!
The Will of the conditioned mind and the Will of the unconditioned heart.
So what do you wish to express: The fear and control issues created within your human mind or the love and unity that eternally exists within your divine heart?
Be conscious of any issues or misalignments that may arise in relation to your throat, neck, arms and chest/lungs area during this month of June as any inner conflict you may have of making choices comes into the Light. It is time to be totally honest in your dialogue with yourself and to ask your Soul to guide you into what feels right for you and not what the establishments think is correct for you.
Understand the mistake of listening to someone else’s opinion of you or what is best for you and following that is what has mislead you and kept you from following your own innate guidance and divine intelligence. And we of course understand that your parents did that very thing by telling you who you looked like and what they wished you to be when you grew up! But they were just repeating a pattern taught to them and so it has gone on for too many generations. The only true language is that of feeling and when a mother for example feels there is something wrong with her child, she is usually correct because she is conscious of what her child is feeling because of their natural divine heart connection of love. Also allowing children to naturally express their own emotions and desires will also assist in the release of this inherited behaviour.
June is a month of surrender into your Heart and where all choices made will be the correct ones for you!
Your western governments are trying to sway you into a form of ‘elite communism’ where you receive the outside comforts and freedoms as long as you comply with their rules and regulations and this dear ones should be bringing a sense of sickness to your stomachs.
Your lands and dwellings for example are being priced out of your capacity to purchase them with many to eventually be reclaimed by your Banks only to be offered back to you under controlled rental conditions by your Banks, which are becoming a future conglomerate of communist landlords.
The Human Will is easily controlled by fear and false information and this is what your archaic establishments are actually banking on!
This dear ones is the month in which it is imperative to stake your inner claim to start following your true desires and feelings. Stop the dream of waiting for a wonderful future in a golden age for it can only be birthed through each individual’s Will to do so. The time has arrived to release yourself from the illusionary fears that have been thrust upon you and have the courage to laugh & trust as you choose to both surrender to your true desires and activate your determination to do so. For the paradox here is that it takes a strong Will to completely surrender to the Divine Will within.
The greatest journey any of you shall travel is from the head to the heart and it is the throat centre which provides the sacred bridge. Forget ascension up a ladder to inter-dimensional entertainment, it is time to descend from the lofty illusions of the ego mind into the infinite oneness of conscious connectedness within the Heart where all you have ever sought and ached for will be found.
Relinquish the willpower of the mind and align with the willpower of the Soul, so it may then be expressed through your Hearts and your sovereign freedoms may flourish in the collective consciousness of One.
In deepest love to each of you,
-The Union of Love & Light-
Received by Jennifer Starlight © 2021
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