The Diamond Diaries are a series of monthly spirit channellings received by Jennifer Starlight on the Gold Coast, from the ancient Spiritual Brethren, The Union of Love & Light, who will share what to expect energetically within us and also around us on planet Earth in 2022.
Greetings Dear Ones,
We the Union of Love & Light reside in many planes of existence as you do and we wish to share with you some information that will explain the aspects of yourself that are now demanding recognition and will serve you in incredible ways as the great evolution of both yourself and your Mother Earth continues.
Even though many on Earth believe humanity is in the scientific age with the expansion and evolution of technology, which is correct, there is something far deeper and more powerful taking place that until now has been but a whisper on the wings of many a human’s dream states and imaginings.
You have actually now entered the evolutionary Age of the Soul.
Never before in humanities history have there been such forces ‘in play’ that are placing an invisible pressure upon each of you to rally your real feelings, needs and desires to the surface of your awareness.
And never in the history of humanity has there been such relentless turmoil both mentally and emotionally within the psyches of so many.
The Soul is actually ageless and formless in its natural state and has the ability to contort itself both in its intelligence and intention within all planes of existence.It is an extraordinary force of both Will & Spirit that is continually streaming its essence in a multitude of ways. Your Soul’s deepest ‘mission’ as a unique and serving vessel of Divine Intelligence is to both experience and expand creation, and its determination to do this can sometimes lead it into immense discomfort, restriction and chaos.
However even when the going gets tough it always has a tether attached to its origins of the Supreme and in some ways is not unlike a child filled with such enthusiasm, innocence and adventure, that if it doesn’t heed the parental guidance of the Supreme it can become lost and afraid.
Every Soul is unique, even when gathered in the collective conception from which it was birthed and every Soul has a divine purpose even when it can feel entrapped within the collective conditioning of the human race.
What you may not realise is that whether your Soul feels ‘comfortable’ on Earth or not, it is no accident that it is experiencing the human plane at this point of human time. For each of you in your whole state as both non physical & physical existence are an exquisite piece of spiritual proficiency and consciousness both as a Soul and as a Human!
Picture a beautiful clock on a mantlepiece ticking every second and chiming every hour on the hour, not missing a beat. Well you dear ones can be likened to that master time piece.
Because you are both the clock keeping time as a Human while in your earthly linear experience and you are also the ‘workings’ within the clock, as the cogs of the great eternal cycles of the Soul that rotate and move to their own universal rhythm. In other words, whether you are aware of it or not you are already masters of both time & space.
The Age of the Soul is in fact the Soul coming of age and maturity. It is the Soul initiating itself into its own form of wholeness through the repeated, intense and challenging experiences of the human condition. In other words dear ones, you have been in a pressure cooker of paradoxes, polarities and consequent pain for the benefit of your Soul’s evolution and of course the flow on affect for the creation of an evolved Human.
June is a cycle of right timing and completion for some of you, so it is a time to release yourselves from the pressure of learning, remembering and transforming, which has been so necessary and also restrictive. However please understand that your best growth has always come from restrictions, and whether it be in the pressure cooker of exams, emotions, relationships or even being confined within your mothers womb, the time of confinement must always be experienced before freedom can be birthed.
And for those of you who feel you have more inner examination and transformation to do for the maturing of your Soul please honour what is at the end of this very important process and why you must feel under pressure to keep going.
And what if you do not know if you are ready to release yourself from the pressures of self inquiry and transformation?
Well we tell you, release yourself regardless of ‘where’ you think you are at in your evolution and this will not only allow the ripening of the Soul to take place for those who are ready, but will also give much needed support to the Soul and your emotional body to gather breathing space to initiate any further releases and transformational processes that may still be required.
June shall see many begin to also experience their multidimensionality through intense dream sequences, increased de ja vu experiences and unusual and ground breaking guidance from ‘out of the blue’.
On the global landscape there shall be the uncovering of fraud and misleading intentions by the so called human pillars of your western society, including large charitable organisations, religious orders and political power houses and we understand that this is nothing new, however the depth of the disturbing facts shall rock even the interior worlds of those who have denied the presence of any foul play by these so called ‘pillars of your society’. June will also very sadly reveal the mistreatment and manipulation of your very real natural pillars that are the foundation for your very survival as a species, and we need to state here that each and every individual must take responsibility for their part in your natural worlds demise and implement heart felt change within the immediacy of their own part of the natural world.
In other words, your own backyard!
And as your seasons pinnacle within the experience of summer or winter please understand this natural world midpoint is also representative of the internal and spiritual midpoint that you are each at now also.
And these midpoints always allow you a choice. For example…
The midpoint of choice for change.
The midpoint of choice to remain the same.
And most of all the mystical midpoint of your choice to establish union of Soul & Human.
The mind will perceive this midpoint as a ‘crossroads’ in life and we are here to say it is a mystical and magnificent midpoint for those who wish to integrate their multidimensional aspects within the human experience and it will remain a mental and melancholy crossroads for those who choose to stay the same.
You always have choice to choose or even not to choose and in choosing not to choose you guarantee your life to never be yours, never to be held sacred and never to be honoured and free and this dear ones is the danger you face by not initiating your own precious wills.
You are both Soul and Human, you are both yin and yang, you are both invincible and transient and you are both eternal and emotional.
What a precious being you truly are and what a miraculous time awaits each of you who have the courage to choose union!
In Loving Service
-The Union of Love & Light-
Received by Jennifer Starlight©
-Channelling Spirit,Gold Coast.
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