The Diamond Diaries are a series of monthly channellings received by Jennifer Starlight from the ancient Spiritual Brethren, The Union of Love & Light, who will share what to expect energetically within us and also around us on planet Earth in 2022.
Greetings Dear Ones!
We embrace you with enthusiasm and every particle of our consciousness and only wish for you to receive and replenish during the enormity of the great cycle you now find yourselves within.
Everything in creation is always in some form of change and transition while also simultaneously being completely still and whole within the Centre of Existence as One. So it is important to remember that you are not the only place experiencing duality, however we are always aware and present in the stillness AND the activity, and this is something you now need to accomplish for yourselves.
It shall be very helpful if you can perceive your New Year as an ‘activity’ only, and your infinite stillness as an ongoing reality, for in this acceptance and integration of the dualities available to you, you shall also harness the full Circumference of the Divine.
Unfortunately the dualities upon your planet have been misunderstood and hence polarised and paralysed through your judgements which have been originally created from your misunderstandings and the misinformation you are being fed in obscene degrees and this now needs to be transformed for the shifts now entering your 3 dimensional domain.
There are many aspects to Us just as there are to you and it brings great pleasure of purpose to introduce you to a very ancient aspect of our Collective which up until now has taken a back seat within our interactions with humanity.
This individual aspect we affectionately call the Star Master and he wishes to bring a cohesive integration to your future journey of transformation in relation to the release of your human conditioning and present coercions on Earth and shall be, over your time, sharing advanced knowledge in relation to your more refined aspects of energy.
‘Shalom from my Centre to yours Dear Ones!
I am Othello and you may know me as a Faculty of Frequencies and Momentums from which all physicality is formed and sustained. I dwell in the Stars and they are my instruments by which I radiate and amplify the love and thoughts of your Source Centre.
I crept into Starlight’s consciousness several weeks ago and in reality am no more Light or Love than you are.
I am here to serve you in ways as to refine your energy fields in preparation for the great awakening now in motion upon your planet.
As you are aware everything in your dimension has a Vibration which is magnetic and in theory everything should also have a Frequency which is electric, however it is the lack of Frequency within your realm that is causing all of the distress and the potential energetic danger now before each of you.
So the duality which has become so polarised and magnetised upon your planet is actually Vibration denying Frequency or put another way-the Physical denying the Non Physical, and this is displayed over and over again in human’s mental conditioning. Many only trust what they can see Vibrating in physical form while totally dismissing the invisible Frequencies that have created that form and keep it functioning and living and this includes your physical bodies.
If you are going to change your present energetic and magnetic dilemma of dogma, depression and disease then you must begin to invoke more Frequency into your entire being, otherwise we are afraid you will not be able to keep your head above the sacred fluid Frequencies now streaming towards you.
2022 is going to be extremely Feminine in experience and in events and it is my honour to announce to you that the Will of the Great Mother and the elemental expression of Her feelings shall be made manifest through the Waters of your Earth and the Waters of your Bodies.
And how is this possible?
Understand that the electrical current of which I speak is actually Spirit’s Essence transforming and emanating itself through various physical sensations such as skin tingling, light headedness and clear visionary and intuitive guidance.
In the most ancient of Egyptian texts the Frequencies or Electrical Emanations of the Number 2 are the Divine Feminine Fields represented by the Collective Queens of the Heavens such as Hathor, Isis and Nuit. However the denser Vibration or magnetic force field of 2 created through the human conditioned mind can be interpreted as either duality or balance which are still being played out in your society as opposing forces within the one meaning.
And this my friends is the whole corner stone of all of your defective relationship woes!
Most relationships upon your planet are based upon these opposing ideas of the separation experience within duality or trying to find an amicable union balance between two people. When all along duality and union can be simultaneously experienced without being wrongly perceived or resented as ‘compromise’ when fully understood.
In my knowledge of the Frequency and Divine Intelligence of 2, which like all mathematical structures (or numbers) is a cosmic servant to humanity, it also represents the reality of you simultaneously residing in Two Lands. That of the Vibrational Physical World made up of a myriad of magnificent manifestations and that of the Cosmic Frequency World made up of multiple sounds, light and consciousness.
It is time to open your eyes and heart to the divine duality in which you exist and bring both Star which is Frequency and Stone which is Vibration into loving harmony within yourself for your health and your wealth of manifestations. Understand also that all viruses are magnetised to the density of Vibration in an individual that is lacking the electrical emanations of Frequency and this is also the demise for both the animal and plant kingdoms when they are over controlled and denied and not allowed to be free in their expression.
I Othello shall be continuing my discourses with you over this momentous time and suggest you begin to build a loving relationship with the holy waters of your Earth, your Bodies and the cosmic collective of Stars that are now in service to your evolution.
Your coming year shall be compiled of unusual and intense weather patterns which will be a direct external reflection of the emotional states of humanity as a whole and also the force of the Mother’s Will becoming known to each of you.
The duality between Masculine and Feminine will also be a major issue and opportunity for evolution, from the micro of personal relationships to the macro of international ones and is about embracing and relishing the beautiful reflections of difference and diversity within yourselves and one another.
You shall also experience deep releases from your cellular bodies to allow the flow of fluid Frequencies to move easier through your meridian and lymphatic systems, for these are the channels through which consciousness can connect with your human Vibration and bring it divine replenishment.
Over the coming 12 month cycles your bodies will be undergoing some intense modifications so full hydration is imperative as is focused attention to all areas of your bodies.
So in this first month of January we would like you to focus your intention on invoking the pure consciousness of the Feminine Force into your awareness and your bodies. Dwell daily if you wish upon a singular Feminine Deity of any persuasion and intuitive choice and ask for guidance. Also call upon the Source Centre of balanced Male and Female Essence to assist you to soften and surrender your human resistances and fears so full communication and integration of Universal Dualities may become harmonised with you.
The battle between Male Dominance and Female Submission on a genetic and global scale must now be rectified.
Firstly genetically within yourselves by expressing the Feminine qualities of self love, acceptance and understanding towards yourselves and then initiating these feelings through the Masculine qualities of devotion, action and manifestation to allow the Yin and the Yang to join as One. And then and only then, can any form of global harmony be achieved.
2022 is the Union of Star & Stone.
And 2022 is the Union of You with Everything Else, so the experience of separation may evaporate completely from your awareness with only the reality of unity remaining.
You are each a Star in service to All and you are each a Stone in service to Manifestation.
-The Union of Love & Light-
Received by Jennifer Starlight©
N.B. When Othello first came to me in meditation several weeks ago I dismissed it somewhat as a passing visitation.Then on sitting to ‘receive’ the Union’s message for January he reappeared asking to speak.
My human mind needed to find the meaning behind his name and after googling ‘Othello’ to find it was the name of a character in a Shakespeare play, the information next in line gave me goosebumps!
-The name Othello is a boy’s name of Hebrew origin meaning “He has the sound of God”-
So Welcome Othello xx
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