The Diamond Diaries are a series of monthly channellings received by Jennifer Starlight from the ancient Spiritual Brethren known as The Union of Love & Light who will share what to expect energetically within us and also around us on planet Earth for the coming months of 2021.
‘Greetings precious Hearts and dearest Souls..
It is with the deepest of love and honour for you that we now bring ourselves forward to assist you in one of the most intense periods upon your planet, for understand, nothing is as it appears and everything is under investigation within the realms of both denial and consciousness.
We cannot express enough what a truly potent potential is being offered to each of you now as the external world becomes more confined and conflicted and you dear ones stand at the crossroads of your consciousness to choose potential or poison!
And to clarify what we speak about, you will know if you are experiencing poison of your consciousness if you are feeling stressed, fearful or deeply depressed about your future and you will know if you are experiencing potential of your consciousness if you are feeling excited, energised and grateful within your present. And perhaps you are experiencing both simultaneously.
Your 8th month of August has such a depth of perfections and prisons within its energy field and to completely understand the energy currents being emananted towards you now you need to understand the cosmic structure of your figure 8. Of course you are aware that this Symbol of Eight when placed on its side represents eternity and life everlasting but were you aware it also is the very blueprint and gateway for the integration of cosmic energies and divine intelligence into your physical realm?
It’s true meaning when presented vertically is ‘as above so below’ and is symbolic of a Holy Chalice filling with divine Manna from the perfection of the Heaven’s onto the Earth. However 8 may also be perceived as a gridlock or mouse’s wheel which goes around and around in circles with no way to release yourself from the repetition of being stuck, confined and imprisoned. It has also been perceived by many to represent the wheel of karma and is seen as the signature of what you term Fate.
Which ever you perceive it to be Eight has a power of enormous potential to help or to hinder.
In reality there is no such thing as Fate dear ones unless you believe there to be and we understand this could send shock waves through your established belief systems, for understand any teaching, even under the guise of well meaning or spiritual direction does not necessarily make it true.
So many have surrendered themselves to the hands of Fate, relinquishing their own true desires to the belief that the Universe has more power or right than themselves to make their decisions for them. This may we say is impossible and if you have handed your life over to Fate we grieve for you, as what you are truly doing is unwittingly handing your Divine Intelligence over to the illusion and delusion of powerlessness.
Your Soul always has a plan of the experiences it wishes to manifest while in the human condition which has been termed your Destiny, but if you are trying to control how your Destiny is to be created through your mental filters and programs it will be impossible for the Soul to be in its aligned state of spontaneity and service. And if you believe there is a force far greater than you ‘pulling the strings’ of Fate then the Soul will retreat its consciousness from the human extension and misery and hopelessness will be endured.
‘Divine Timing’ is another misnomer that has had many waiting on the sidelines of their own life, for understand, unless you are completely in alignment with your own Soul then the Divine aspects of you cannot anchor and create manifestations within your human experience. Divine Timing is not something orchestrated beyond your control it can only be activated through a relaxed and faithful state of awareness that knows beyond any doubt that you are always provided for in a myriad of ways!
Because in truth Divine Timing is consistently active always wishing in every moment to give grace to you the living and you the loved.
The events in your life that you believe to be Divine Timing or coincidences are really only moments where your energies have been in harmony and alignment with your greater environment, your Soul and whoever else is involved. In fact Divine Timing dear ones should be a daily occurrence and the only way you can enter the potentials now before you is to commit yourselves to your highest path of service for yourself and your loved ones.
So are you going to remain in the illusion of entrapment or are you going to vibrate with the higher frequencies of 8?
August will see more control being applied to the fearful and more consciousness being gained by the faithful.
August will also deliver many surprises from the desperate ones who wish to control you and also the divine ones who wish to free you! There will be an increase in broken bones within the human body as many bodies try to release the density of conditioning that they have carried over lifetimes and many will also experience the emotion of inadequacy which can present as arrogance, anger and aggression as a form of self preservation. And if you are experiencing a sense of inadequacy within your own perceptions it is important to remember to ask Us to assist you to surrender to the true gentleness and love that can only be found in humility. For a great truth was decreed which stated: The meek shall inherit the Earth. So open yourselves to receive from the Holy Chalice of Harmony and Heart, from the Holy Chalice of Eternal Equilibrium.
Over the next several months Europe will be experiencing extreme weather patterns never seen in their history and the United States will experience shock waves and chaos at the sudden demise of more than one prominent leader in both politics and the media. Religious Orders who have enslaved their followers in fear will begin to crumble while a new and refreshing form of Paganism will inspire many in the revitalised worship of Mother Nature. There will also be amazing pioneers of natural medicine who will bring very ancient knowledge to modern therapies and also increased deaths from the misuse and malpractice of synthetic medicines.
Put simply, August is the month where the great awakening or the great sleep will amplify itself in every individual upon your planet, so dear ones what do you choose?
We are always present to serve you and meet you here at the cross roads of your consciousness with love.’
-The Union of Love & Light-
Received by Jennifer Starlight 2021©
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