The Diamond Diaries are a series of monthly spirit channellings received by Jennifer Starlight on the Gold Coast, from the ancient Spiritual Brethren, The Union of Love & Light, who will share what to expect energetically within us and also around us on planet Earth in 2022.
Shalom from my Centre to yours Dear Ones!
I Othello, as you are aware am an ‘aspect’ of the ancient establishment, The Union of Love & Light and it is our desire, our intention and our deepest need to serve you that brings us into your consciousness.
We are both the filters and the fellowship for truth, peace and passion and our desire for Love’s Light to be felt is infinite and eternal.
You dear ones are a direct manifestation of Love’s Light and also its complexities, for even Love has needed to delve into self inquiry of itself to expand its existence. This is why in one way you are in constant movement and flux but at a far deeper level you are paradoxically in a constant state of stillness.
Your world however has misaligned itself with far too much activity and the vehicles you call the mind and intellect has taken over the journey causing many to collide with Love in a state of unconsciousness. Where as your consciousness is always found within the feelings of your Soul and your Soul is always connected to Love’s Light.
So when you do not co exist with your Soul you are always within the dark!
Many great events are upon you in this month of April of which most will not be seen but will certainly be felt. So firstly what you are going to ‘see’ is the beginning of a change of the guard in relation to your world relations and restrictions. The cracks are going to begin to truly show within your statesmen and stateswomen and they are also going to show within your global leaders. For none of them, even in their unconsciousness can maintain the levels of illusion and delusion that they have supported to date.
The true citizens of your world will finally be breaking down these tyrants of terror even if these misaligned beings do not admit it, so we implore you to keep sharing your wishes and most importantly your wills! For by natural universal law nothing should over ride the will of another. But because so many have been disconnected from their feeling bodies their wills have not had the strength or permission to express themselves.
And we wish to state to you in your language-Where there is a will, there is a way.
You are finally going to see these artificial authorities begin to submit and actually truly ask their citizens what they need. And you are going to see the citizens actually express very clearly what they need. For all the blame cannot be laid upon the small percentage of people who believe they have the permission of the majority to rule over them. For the majority has allowed it and is now paying dearly for believing that the artificial authorities have the right to lead their life for them.
We have spoken of how the Element of Water is going to create severe weather patterns (January Diaries) and how this would continue throughout your year of 2022. Well we need to express also that one of the major events now happening that is invisible to your physical world, but is very prominent within the invisible ones is the union of Jupiter & Neptune.
This major esoteric event is largely what will be creating the influx and inflammation of ‘Water Weather’ upon the Earth and this will include a discovery of grand proportions within the oceans of your northern hemisphere later in the year..
For now however you need to understand that every experience is a messenger from the divine and this particular message of Jupiter & Neptune is that The Mother of your very Souls creation is returning through the Elemental Forces and She is beginning Her arrival in the great southern land of Australis.
Your weather patterns around the world are going to reflect Her arrival and Jupiter the King of cosmic consciousness shall be assisting the will of The Mother through its merging with Neptune,King of the Oceans and Servant to the Feminine.
You yourselves will experience some inexplicable feelings and emote in ways that are not conditioned within you. There will be great desire for new forms of emotional expression and many of you will ache for something that has not been experienced before. And may we say this is The Mother in all her multi dimensional forms that you shall be seeking and magnetised too through creativity, receptivity to your own channeling and productivity in new & evolutionary ways.
Music and its themes will also be diverting to more Feminine persuasions and those who have misrepresented the Feminine in manipulative and malicious ways will really feel Her force now. And we do not mean that She will force Her fury upon anyone or anything, but please understand the more you have resisted alignment with Her the more impactful and forceful Her arrival shall appear.
She is not trying to punish anyone and is only asking that Her place in your world and ours now be realigned and recognised. For what your western society classifies as Feminine could not be any further from the truth. And for us to describe Her accurately would take a thousand years of words before it could make any sense to you.
However to put it very simply for your minds She is the Love and God is the Light that carries Her forth through their mutual creation. So there has been Light, all be it fractured and frozen most of the time within your experience, but the very foundation of your existence as Love has rarely been experienced upon your planet EVER.
But it is time, and Jupiter and Neptune are heralding in this most auspicious event!
This will also trigger very old rage within some who believe The Mother has forsaken them and of course this is not true, however the misinformation you have received in regards to the Feminine has been misconstrued as the truth, hence many relationships, whether they be Mother & Child or Man & Woman are going to be under the microscope, for understand Neptune will also reawaken the delusions many have had about their role in the world as a woman, or as a man in relationship with a woman, and Jupiter will amplify this for realisation and recognition to take place.
And we need to express here that NEVER upon your planet has this dilemma ever ceased. Not even in your most ancient of times because, and we may shock you now… Your Earth was always meant to be a place for the Feminine to express itself wholeheartedly with no restrictions and the masculine was to serve and service Her will.
Whether humans can move past these delusionary days however remains to be seen.
April is offering each of you a kaleidoscope of knowledge and direct degrees of communion with the Source Centre in both its duality and its completeness.
So are you ready to own your Soul, your Sovereignty and your Sacredness?
Or do you wish to continue down the path of corruption, contamination and unconsciousness?
We prompted our channel Starlight to source the origin for your word April to show you both symbolically and literally the meaning and the energy behind this specific month.
April takes its name from the Latin word aperire, meaning ‘to open‘ (just like flowers do in spring!) and this dear ones is exactly what we are asking you to do; to open to the Feminine and rebirth that most powerful and creative aspect of yourselves.
-The Union of Love & Light-
Received by Jennifer Starlight ©
-Channelling Spirit,Gold Coast
The 12 Diamond Gates is an intensive 6 month Course with Amun Min, an amazing Teacher & Mentor within The Union of Love & Light Collective. Begins May 1st and details here –
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