The Diamond Diaries are a series of monthly channellings received by Jennifer Starlight from the ancient Spiritual Brethren known as The Union of Love & Light who will share what to expect energetically within us and also around us on planet Earth for the coming months of 2021.
‘Greetings dear ones from the other side of what you term the veil! And may we say no such veil exists other than in the illusionary world of your minds.
We return at this time of your human evolution to assist you with the intensity of transformation you are now each experiencing and perhaps not completely understanding. The deepest of energies are likely to be now rising to the surface of your awareness and begin spilling inconveniently into your daily lives through unexpected emotions, sudden debilitating fears or in the form of unusual physical symptoms that may defy diagnosis.
An awakening of such magnitude needs to be handled with the deepest of love and care and if your mind is arguing with you telling you that you don’t have time for this inconvenience and discomfort then you need to find a way to silence it. For there is no turning back into an imaginary comfort zone and everything you have ached for within yourself is now either in its delicate time of conception or its first stages of labour to be born. And which ever stage you are at on your own journey both are in alignment with your Soul and no comparisons should be made with others. It is imperative that you are fully present with self, honouring your inner processes.
We shared with many that the month of March was when each of you would receive your ‘Marching Orders’ to go within and come to terms and peace with what was bringing you struggle and unhappiness and in the process many of you have experienced a moving on from your comfort zones at work or home or in health these last few weeks.
April dear ones is a continuation of March if you have not taken the necessary steps to change what you know is not for your highest potential and the spotlight for all will be in relation to their relations with others, whether it be family, friend, lover or foe, you are going to feel pressured to express your deepest love, fears and frustrations.
And this needs to be perceived by each of you as a golden opportunity to lay down new foundations of intention and to also be very honest with yourself and to ask yourself the big question-‘Am I relating with this person, group or job because of the love or fear within myself?’.
It is important to realise that all your relationships are secondary to the inner union you have with yourself and that in fact the people in your lives are simply projections or what we term polarised fragments of what you both like and deny about yourself. And when this is truly understood and experienced all relationships can flourish in the truth that they all offer you the gift of self understanding, self realisation and eventual heart opening.
The month of April is the 4th month of the year and in our teachings this is representative of the solar plexus area which is also the sacred portal within your bodies that your Soul utilises to send its frequencies of feeling and intuition to you. So this region of your human bodies may undergo some changes and challenges trying to adjust to the complex emotions that can be created within your relationships and that are now wishing for release. So gently draw your full breath into this region daily and make a commitment to truly listen to those deep inner feelings of guidance from your Soul. For your Soul only ever wants the best for you, its human extension.
Globally there is going to be defining moments during April that will see the Collective Consciousness finally gasp at the injustices put upon it by those few who rule the many. Mid month and the closure of April are particularly volatile and revealing and as a Collective you need to send the full radiations of your heart’s love into Mother Earth so she may have the strength and support to rebalance and release all of the energies of false authority that are trying to control her and you!
Remember daily your relationship with the Earth and your larger family of human citizens in your own intentions and meditations for just as your personal relationships shall be cast under the microscope, so will your collective ones.
We only ever speak from the energetic viewpoint of multidimensionality for anything less is too restricting to receive full understanding of that which you are in connection with. With this said the reality of your own multidimensionality is what is so eager to be birthed within you now so of course all restrictive concepts and their consequent emotions and reactions must be first transformed.
During April two particular restrictive concepts will be brought to the foreground of the Individual & the Collective that will need your total understanding. One is the conscious poisoning of your bodies and the other of your minds.
The body itself is an amazing apparatus of intelligence and anything placed in your body that is not of the Spirit or the Earth will corrupt its remarkable ability to assimilate, adapt and transform. And when contaminated with any substance devised and synthesised from fear will place the body into deep stress and cannot be assimilated and of benefit. Understand everything in the Universe will thrive with love and diminish with fear. Hence, the ancient great plagues of your Earth were first created with the mental poisoning and superstitions that you were not worthy of the power and love of Spirit or your own Soul’s. It began to place the body into a state of separation and despair at a cellular level many generations ago and has caused imbalances that to this day have been fortified and amplified by the pollution of human waste not being distributed in a respectful way in relation to the Earth and her Elements.
And we speak of this now to help you to trigger both these ancient and still present experiences of separation from your Earth and your bodies, so you may begin to activate new pathways of light and intelligence through the body and eventually the mind.
April dear ones is the month of conception and the release of deception. It is the seeding of your multidimensional selves on Earth and the transformation of your imprisoned conditioned selves.
So lift the veils of illusion from your life and know All as One and One as All.
-The Union of Love & Light-
Received by Jennifer Starlight 2021©
I feel the defining moments in mid April of which The Union speak of is the banning in many countries of the covid vaccination which has been proven to be harmful and detrimental to many.
Let’s see what happens in this last week of April??