Here we are at the beginning of another year and yet another opportunity to do it differently. To wake up and be seen.
As a humanity in the western world at least, we have made money, busyness and material possessions our god.
We perceive stillness as a form of laziness and spirituality often as a form of escapism from the harsh world of what we interpret to be ‘reality’.
There is little trust or faith in what we cannot see and all the while most people are suffering from loneliness, hopelessness and fear of being truly themselves.
We have abandoned ourselves at a great cost to our overall wellbeing and now have epidemics such as covid & cancer as a result.
We need to heal that deep wound of grief that has been created by beliefs that to be a human being is to be less than love and less than god and for me the term ‘god’ is simply another word for the all encompassing consciousness of love always available to each and everyone of us.
Our long ingrained patterns of inadequacy have spiritually starved us of love’s vital life force energy and intimate communion with the most powerful part of ourselves. Our Souls.
We need to transform our fears into faith and our terrors into trust. We need to build a bridge from the head to the heart, from our human self to our higher self.
We need to embrace our eternal & divine being to heal our human self before we can close the gap we have created with the Divine Love that created us.
Our minds can be a wonderful servant or a hard task master so before we can surrender to our inner presence, which is beyond the realms of thought, we must first take some decisive mental action with how we perceive ourselves and our path.
Firstly throw out all your new year resolutions as they are just added pressures and often illusions of the mind that simply clog up the true potentials of your Soul. Trying to change yourself is often an act of self judgement and escapism and it is only in total acceptance of yourself which allows things such as deeply held emotions to transform.
Do not assume that a new year means a new and clean slate in your life!
This year will only be better, happier and more prosperous when you realise you are the master creator of everything in your life and that by taking full responsibility for all of your experiences, you will then be truly free. Promise yourself to live by the intuitive guidance of your Soul and not the controlling and fearful belief systems of your mind.
Vow not to be a victim of circumstance anymore as really there is no such thing. You are in a constant state of creating and co creating with others 24/7, the fact you have not been conscious of this has brought your misery and your struggle. In truth, every situation is offering you a gift of self realisation and understanding.
Stop the search for happiness.
Stop the search for answers.
They will only ever be found within yourself and are literally right under your nose within your Heart & Soul.
So be still.
Be grounded.
Be grateful.
Be you.
The experiences of 2020 as a collective consciousness were the product of too many people spending too little time connected to their own intuitive power and its intelligence and spending far too much time connected to fear and the unknown future.
Your future is created here and now through your intention and willingness to be present. Nothing around the proverbial corner can be better if the present is denied and repressed. Because you take your stuff with you!
2021 is the year for inner honesty, responsibility and compassion for self.
It is the year we heal our hearts, grow up and love the world back into a paradise. There is no other way.
Every conflict, disease and dysfunction taking place out in the world is simply a reflection of the conflict, disease and dysfunctions that we have denied and repressed within ourselves. We are all responsible for the illness and abuse taking place on our planet.
The blame game, the protest game and the us against them game are just that! Dangerous games for the need to control, judge and alienate one another.
You are so precious in the eyes of the Universe and are so needed to be authentic and transparent in this world.
You are so needed to be true to yourself and your own divinity.
Answer the divine call from your beautiful Soul.
Wishing you a blessed 2021 filled with the love & the magic of your True Soul Self!
In Loving Service
Jennifer Starlight- Trance Medium, Author & Founder of The Diamond Light Healing System©
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